
When do i give in?

calichub wrote
Sounds like a Gemini. I am that way myself. I have heard that often times when you hang out with fat people or have a BBW girlfriend or wife, that you often gain unententionaly weather you want to or not. As a Gemini myself I know there is 2 sides to every problem.

My thoughts exactly, fellow Gemini here and i can relate to everything you the OP said.

In the end i took the plunge, i was in the same situation, lol almost like u were describing my life...

I listend to some quote about please ur self so at least someones happy and now that i'm gaining i'm getting chics here interested in me, lol funny how life works...

Though this is ur life and we can't chose for you, i supose i just want to be an example of if u got fat, no guarantee u'll feel the same, but i gotta say it feels damn good and i feel damn sexy for the first time in my life.



14 years