
How to avoid face plumping?

Bella wrote
If this has to do with self-image as you suggest it does... Whatever you think about yourself will be mirrored in people around you. If you dismiss you face when it has changed others will too because your face will spell out dismissal a mile away.

Your face will change over time either way, better make friends with it. This may sound exceedingly narcissistic but spend some time with your face. Look at yourself in the mirror and smile, what happens in your eyes when you smile, what happens around your lips, your teeth, your eyes? What do your eyes tell you when you smile at yourself? What are you thinking? Are you putting yoursefl down or can you see something nice in it? Honestly, there is not a bad face on this earth that is capable of smiling so if nothing else works work on the smiling smiley. Looking people in the eyes when you smile works wonders really smiley. Don't dismiss your face simply because it gets rounder, get to know it, find the good features, and hold these features in the back of your mind when you are out there among other people instead of fear that they'll notice your face doesn't look as it did before smiley

One of the most beautiful faces I know is actually what most people would regard as extremely puffy, that's from meds, but the smile and laugh lines around the eyes when that smile or laugh comes along is just out of this world smiley

14 years