
Showing off fat in public? (girls)

What c00kie said

and then...

What UpsandDowns said
14 years

Showing off fat in public? (girls)

Siren wrote
We gals work very hard for our big bellies... I figure we should flaunt them!

Ha, and it is attitudes like this which give you such a fan base here smiley
14 years

Showing off fat in public? (girls)

c00kie wrote
AliceInWonderland wrote
c00kie wrote
Ok, I know this is a fantasy site. But we are talking about real life in this thread. Those of you who would seriously do this go out with your tummy hanging out everywhere. Wouldnt be embaressed about it and wouldnt be embaressed about giving into the cliche that fat people cant dress.

I want pictures to proove it. You in a public place people about you doing something normal sitting down having coffee. Just wanna see who would ACTUALLY do it. Or if your saying that you thinks its cool or ok to do it to seem *popular* or *fun and sexy*.

Seriously I look forward to you girls prooving me wrong. OR no maybe a video would be better. Because a picture you could just pull your top up for 3 seconds and take it. So say a video where your walking about in a busy shopping center perfectly happy with your clothes not fitting. I really would love to see it.

I would never dream of doing it nowadays butttt I do believe these girls when they say they do it C00kie, when I was at school (about 15 no older) and gained weight, I purposely didn't ask for new clothes so I could show it off, I was only a size 8 lol but thought that was fat and diiid purposely wear shirts that were too tight/short, I don't know you can doubt that too if you liike but this fetish makes you do weird stuff.

To be honest the only reason I don't do it nowadays is because in my mind seeing someone's belly is more sexual that seeing boobs, I wouldn't go out with my tits hanging out and same with my belly, it's just trashy. Clothes that fit well look so much better than anything that doesn't.

Thats the thing I don't know whether to believe them or not. Because I know women really do get off on this type of stuff as well as the guys. And I believe you when you say you did that stuff in school hun.

Summer is comming and its the time for well cropped everything or girls walking round in bikini top and shorts. But I have never ever in my life seen anyone of my size dressed like that. So it is a little hard to believe.

I don't mind people showing off there bodys I am all for big girls being confident and flaunting whatever they feel is there best asset and things like that. I don't want to sound disrespectful to you alice hun. But I am obviously bigger than you. And for you to have your belly out and for me to have mine would be a bit different. I am sorry if you dont agree and if that offends you I really am not trying to.

But like I said bigger women to be specific say a size 22 plus. Well until recently have just had crappy clothes to cover our bodys with. Fashion for plus size is a pretty new thing. That bigger women should be able to dress nice and have fashionable clothes that go with the trends of the season n stuff. So I don't get why people wouldnt want to show off there figures in a sexy sophisticated way.

I agree that bellys and stuff are sexy and as you I wouldnt go around with my tits out and stuff.

But really do believe that to do it in public its just not helping the steretype people have of fat women.

I am not against tight clothes or whatever either. I wear short tube skirts and fitted tops. And in the bedroom I do have some old clothes I put on for my bf's benefit and it is sexy but there is a place.

Thats just my opinion.

Sorry if I am offending anyone.

Girl you need to come to the hood up in Boston, MA.
The sistas, latina sistas, thick Asian sistas and the wigger White girls got all their stuff hanging out and most them are bigger than you. At the clubs, at cookouts, the big girls bring it in the Summer. So come visit the hood, and trust me most of the duddes here would love to see you showing off your goodies, you would fit right in; they'd probaby think your a mixed Latina or Asian girl with a great body! smiley
14 years

Showing off fat in public? (girls)

Omiyahey wrote
Hello, long time listener, first time caller smiley

The reason I wouldn't show my belly off in public is because I know exactly what it would signify, and even if others didn't, its a little too far for me.

Yet, that isn't a moral judgment but more of a confidence issue. I see quite a few people out and about whose fat spills out a little, and I find it not only attractive physically but a welcome tear away from consensus values. Besides, whats the harm in it?

I'm not saying go into work wearing a thong and a smile, just that the distinction between socially acceptable and socially unacceptable seems a little arbitrary and harsh.

Actually, its exactly for that reason I don't buy the 'it gives fat people a bad reputation' argument. I see thin people dressed badly, but it doesn't mean that all thin people dress badly. Likewise, wearing something that accentuates or exposes/shows off a fat persons figure (even if its not to personal taste) isn't condemning the rest of us either. Its all a matter of subjective taste.

True....skinny girls walk around half naked too, bikini tops and cut-off shorts, and to some they look trashy and others hot. SOoooooooooooooo, it's not really about size as you mentioned, it is about personal taste, one man's trash is another man's treasure! smileysmiley
14 years

Showing off fat in public? (girls)

c00kie wrote
So because people have already assumed and made generalisations. That arn't positive may I add. We should just go along with it because thats what people think anyway and proove them right? k

Seriously all joking aside, there IS a double standard that exists in how skinny people vs. fat people should dress that some people subscribe to; exposed skinny and slim bodies= hot and beautiful, and exposed chubby to fat bodies= ugly and bad. But it really is up to the individual on how they are going to view others. My mother is from the old school American south and believe me, skinny, slim, chubby and fat is unattractive if it's not covered, period, while I feel that the more skin shown at any size is attractive.

You can not always know what's in a person's head when they are looking at you, unless they are facially and verbally telling you. People who have negative views of overweight/ fat peole will have negative views of them, no matter what they are wearing. We ALL have our opinions of what is visually pleasing, and in the end you decide for yourself how you want to present yourself, whether it's based on your OWN opinion or what OTHERS may think of you.
14 years

Showing off fat in public? (girls)

I've read all of your posts on this thread. When I say skin, I do mean what the OP was saying/asking about larger women exposing their tummies and other extra chubby parts by wearing ill-fitting clothes. Sorry, from the south, I kind of use my words interchangeably, so I'm not always clear in what I'm trying to convey.
14 years

Showing off fat in public? (girls)

When I see someone--man or woman--with buttons about to pop, shirt gaping, or serious muffin top over too tight jeans, I just think the person is in serious denial about their size and doesn't like being fat.

When, on the other hand, I see someone in smart, fitted clothes that show what they've got--the way Cookie dresses, for instance, and Shaz and others--then I think they're happy and proud of their bodies.
14 years