
Moob growth?

I have heard that by using products with Lavender and Tea Tree Oils causes excess levels of Estrogen levels in males. This can cause male Gynecomastia which I think I may have. However I have tried applying lavender oil directly to my moobs but didn't notice any change, so maybe I already had Gynecomastia I dunno. Just to let ppl know if anyone wanted bigger moobs to maybe give it a try.
14 years

Moob growth?

just google it for more of the facts. It said it increased the estrogen levels in males..
14 years

Moob growth?

The one or two documented cases that led to the original news articles on this (a year or three ago maybe?) were situations like a chubby eleven year old boy whose mom put lavender oil all over his torso every day (I have no idea of why she did that, it was not to cause this, something else). In such large doses, on a boy where testosterone levels were still fairly low, and where chubiness both helped store estrogen type compounds (they get stored in fat) and gave him fat to distribute more....that sort of thing can happen.

More normal usage levels in adult males, I don't think will have any sort of dramatic effect. Could it make a tiny bit of difference? I don't know, but in general would not view this as moob fertilizer.
14 years