Extreme obesity

100+ bmi

justanotherfa wrote
FattieMaddie wrote

"Ugh?" What do you mean by, "Ugh?" If this thread is not something that interests, intrigues, or appeals to you. . .why did you feel the need to post a snarky comment? Yes, you're entitled to your opinion, as we all are. But having the "right," or ability, to speak your mind, does not necessarily mean you should. What exactly was gained by expressing your distaste/disdain, aside from maybe feeling smugly superior at someone else's expense? I'm sorry, but I just don't get it. Coming across gratuitous, needlessly negative responses in an otherwise interesting, enjoyable thread (at this site, of all places) can be like a slap in the face, and just - pointlessly unpleasant.

So, why? What's the point? Why inject petty meanness, however slight, into Fantasy Feeder? Don't we all face enough hostility "out there" for our preferences and/or appearance, so that this is a little oasis of acceptance & comradery? Why pollute it with negative vibes when there's no valid reason to do so?

Going out on a limb, it might be due to the Donna reference. She's not terribly popular right now.

I could be wrong, though; she could be disgusted by the thread, in which case I fully support going off on Maddie. But I'm not really certain that's what the problem is.

EDIT: Based on her previous posts, I'm really leaning towards her not being disgusted by fatties.
14 years

100+ bmi

At my current weight, 511 lbs, I have a BMI of 59. I'd have to weigh 900 lbs to have a BMI of over 100 (at that weight it would be 104)
13 years

100+ bmi

I'd have to be 800 pounds exactly to have a BMI of 100. At the moment I'm 273, which makes my BMI 34.1, or moderately obese.

And seeing that word on the screen makes me feel rather good, actually. Just wish I was more obeserer...
12 years

100+ bmi

Recalculated for recent gains, 550lbs=63.something BMI
12 years

100+ bmi

my BMI is only 32 atm. moderately obese that says. id have to weigh 263kg or 578lbs to be over 100 BMI.
12 years

100+ bmi

WitchyLaRoux wrote:
hmmm according to this I am a BMI of 61.8 and "You are in the VERY SEVERELY OBESE weight range."

but to be over 100 I would have to weigh 583 lbs

As much of a goddess as you are already, I can't help but engage in a fantasy moment over that concept. *sigh*
12 years

100+ bmi

My BMI is: 57.8 That means I am also in the VERY SEVERELY OBESE weight range. For BMI 100 I should weigh 346 kilograms (761 pounds). It is almoust double of my current weight.
12 years

100+ bmi

I'm at 47.9. Would need to weigh 738 pounds to make that happen. It'd be fun to try for a few days at least.
12 years

100+ bmi

If I was 1859#, my BMI would be 300
11 years

100+ bmi

I'm 5'8",#350,BMI 53.For me to be BMI 100 I'd have to weigh #658.
11 years