
My wife has been eating out of control lately

My wife has been eating way larger portions of food for a while now and she has not really seemed to have gained the way I thought she would have.

She tends to eat more food every so often at certain times and it is usually noticed with a quick gain of 10 Lbs. or so and at that point she usually tapers off eating so much whether intentionally or naturally and usually loses those ten Lbs. but very slowly. This time though her eating larger portions gradually increasing has been going on for around six months where at the begining she gained I guess in the past year and a half a good fifteen Lbs. which she has maintained. It just seems that how much she has been eating and always hungry for the next big meal that she would be gaining a lot more.

She has never been on such a big eating streak other than when she was pregnant. She is eating close to as much as I am lately and not working out nearly as much as she used to and always hungry for her next meal, and she certainly snacks more in between meals than my self. I am having a hard time keeping up with her eating and the funny thing is I have gained a good 10+ Lbs. in the last several months just eating with her.

It is the strangest thing she would normally be gaining quite a bit with how much she has been consuming for this long of time.

She, by the way is not into gaining nor does she like it when she starts getting bigger although she has maintained her 15 Lbs. and has certainly grown out of some of her wardrobe but I thought for sure by now she would have put on 20 more Lbs. with all her eating.

Any thoughts on how to getting her gaining again and going up a few sizes?

Oh yes, not only is she eating bigger portions of foods the food she is eating is not nessesarily low in calories by any means she used to try and stay away from carbs and lots of fat but she is eating way more breads and carbs as well as fatty foods coupled with her regular intake of desserts and treats.
14 years

My wife has been eating out of control lately

voluptuouslover wrote
She, by the way is not into gaining nor does she like it when she starts getting bigger although she has maintained her 15 Lbs. and has certainly grown out of some of her wardrobe but I thought for sure by now she would have put on 20 more Lbs. with all her eating.

Any thoughts on how to getting her gaining again and going up a few sizes?

These things kinda concern me...
14 years

My wife has been eating out of control lately

As for the one post....I don't have any current pics....but I do have some older ones that I took back when.... focusing on her belly etc....I will try and find to post.

Yes, she does not want to gain but it doesnt mean that she is not going to....I am not forcing her....she is a strong headed grown if she does gain..... I very much like it.
She at times when she was bigger liked the extra attention I gave those extra Lbs. and if it wasnt for modern day fashion and social opinions I think she wouldnt mind being quite a bit bigger.

Hope this answers a few of the question in the posts.
14 years

My wife has been eating out of control lately

voluptuouslover wrote
Yes, she does not want to gain but it doesnt mean that she is not going to....I am not forcing her....she is a strong headed grown if she does gain..... I very much like it.
She at times when she was bigger liked the extra attention I gave those extra Lbs. and if it wasnt for modern day fashion and social opinions I think she wouldnt mind being quite a bit bigger.

You could just ask/talk to her about this, would deffinetly make things easier for both of you if you were aware of how one another felt about the matter.
14 years

My wife has been eating out of control lately

Maximum.....I have talked to her in the past and it kinda worked against what I wanted. She felt more pressure and she was not as care free....I have learned over the years with her personality that If I dont bring up the weightor talk about any gains she is more likely just to be at ease and eat and gain on her own. Once in a while she plays to my FA and weight gaining interests after she has put on a little weight and talks about playfully how fat she is getting and it is so great although not nearly as much I would like it in our conversations.
14 years

My wife has been eating out of control lately

voluptuouslover wrote
Maximum.....I have talked to her in the past and it kinda worked against what I wanted. She felt more pressure and she was not as care free....I have learned over the years with her personality that If I dont bring up the weightor talk about any gains she is more likely just to be at ease and eat and gain on her own. Once in a while she plays to my FA and weight gaining interests after she has put on a little weight and talks about playfully how fat she is getting and it is so great although not nearly as much I would like it in our conversations.

hmm, that is a shame, i hope you work something out which you can both enjoy. smiley
14 years

My wife has been eating out of control lately

luvpears......(I happen to love Pears as well) My wife has a pear shape with larger breasts and when she gains a lot turns into more of a pear with extra wide hips and thighs. Thanks for your concern, but maybe I am not painting the right picture.

My wife is eating more than she typically would for an extended period of time....she would normally be on a diet of some sort after her gain over the past year+....although this time she has been cooking big meals, stocking the pantry with fattening things and been eating really good large amounts where in the past she would have tappered off and scaled back which would have shrunk her eating habits.

Don't get me wrong.....I am sure she has put on a few more Lbs. over the lat couple of months but nothing major.....I just envisioned her growing out of all her clothes at this rate and gaining a good 20+ Lbs. and mostly her attitude of trying to reduce her food intake or going on a diet and working out more.

I love watching her eat so much but I would like to see more activity on her figure from the eating
14 years