Extreme obesity

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

ChocolateCovered wrote
Yeah, I find it extremely odd that ppl on this and other wight gaining sites criticize ppl pursuing /encouraging immobility. Immobility is unhealthy and has its downsides, but so does gaining, and for that matter smoking, drinking and driving a car. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I could definitely do without the sanctimonious censure.

Anyways... to answer the question smiley I do think about immobility sometimes, but its only as one of the many fantasies I entertain. My other, more common fantasies, are of making someone else bigger or even immobile, and those are the ones I think of bringing to reality.
Couldn't agree moresmiley
14 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

What a lovely post.

I also think about immobility. Given a host of very frustrating health issues, I'm not sure I'd like it, but I also think I would get there far earlier than most for the same reasons. So who knows.

The biggest scare about immobility is, of course, whether or not one has a partner who can be relied on to stick with one. And given the stats on relationships in general lasting, if I were seriously thinking about gaining to immobility, I'd be given serious pause by that question.
14 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

Joey wrote
I recon if an immobile feedee broke up with her partner there would be someone else there within a week. As a person who finds immobility such a turn on, I would never leave my GF.

But yes not enough people are interested in immobility smiley.

Because the only thing that people ever break up over is physical attraction.
14 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

I totally agree with what you said. The answer possibly lies with relatives and friends. Willing to add support to a immobile family member or friend. Whilst the feeder does the main dutys that are required. If the relationship ends, for what ever reason it could provide the support required. Immobility is the ultimate fantasy goal that many dream of but will never see become a reality. I personally want a immobile ssbbw to be my soul mate but realistically doubt ill find someone prepared to take the risk
14 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

It's already been said by others, but I feel like I need to register my vote in this weight gain democracy.

I find it appalling that people on a dedicated weight gain site are not just negative about extreme weight gain but are to the point of being antagonistic.

Everyone is perfectly free not to be interested in immobility and gaining massive amounts of weight, but I think that one of the most important elements of the Fat Community is its historic acceptance of people of all sizes. Yes, feel free not to want to weigh 500, 600, or 1,000+ pounds, but on a site that is here to support weight gain of all stripes, I think that the community is best served by people supporting what they like rather than dragging down what they do not.

There are body shapes and proportions and sizes and fat lifestyles that I do not find pleasing, but I don't post my displeasure to those who exhibit these traits. I save my words for cheering on those who I do enjoy and with whom I share the same interests.

Finally, yes, I adore extremely, shockingly, enormously obese women. And I hope that all of those who are already so beautifully fat or who hope to be someday will continue on the path that they've chosen and enjoy every pound of the journey.
14 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

disconnectedsmile wrote

Is that ALL you ever ask for smiley
14 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

XgorgedNgorgeousX wrote
Here are my thoughts:

The idea of being so massive and being pampered by my feeder sounds amazing.

However, I'm already starting to get aches and pains from my weight gain (I'm just at the point of being medically obese). Also as some people know, I'm not a very healthy person. So I would worry about dying too young and being in constant back pain (last night i stayed in bed all night and couldnt sleep much cause it was so bad.)

Also I want to have a family one day, so I dont want to die young.

Aside from this, immobility is super sexy for me smiley

lol I concur with every reasoning provided except as a male lol, although I think i'd still prefer near immobility to complete immobility, lol i'm far too independent...
14 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

weetabix wrote
BBW Hunter wrote
...Come-on people, whether you want to be 80kg 180kg 280kg and certainly more, no condemnation should be thrust upon anyone here.

After all were all here for the same reason. Aren't we...?


I agree with you whole hartedly about the people who hate the 280kg people. However I do think those people who want to be 281kg are sick twisted perverts.

lol (just in case someone misses the joke) smiley
14 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

rock9632 wrote
People become immobile on a regular basis.

My father became immobile and would up in a nursing home. He was about 150 lbs and about 93. He did not want to be there.

My uncle had a minor stroke and wound up in a nursing home. He loved being immobile. He resisted all attempts to make his body work better. He resisted all attempts to get him to walk. He seemed to be quite content to be immobile for the rest of his life. He weighed somewhere around 160 lbs.

Touche smiley
14 years

Ladies - do you want to be immobile?

Joey wrote:
I would love an immobile girl friend, would be such a turn on, shame knowone wants to be smiley

We know, Joey. You've said exactly this about a dozen times in this thread.
13 years
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