
Gain and regret

Guess everyone is different...I used to be like you and then it suddenly happened and I'm loving it nowsmiley
14 years

Gain and regret

i struggled with wanting to gain at first. i never felt guilty, i'd just lose interest in it. i never tried to lose weight afterward, but it tended to fall off.

after coming back to it a few times, i finally decided that gaining was something i was really into. i haven't looked back since.
14 years

Gain and regret

With me the cycle is more like: embrace the fantasy appeal for a while, then the rush wears off and I have to deal with reality and start trying to unwind whatever I gained while indulging in the fantasy. It isn't quite regret, I tend to remember the periods of indulging the fantasy very fondly. I guess any regret is that I'd have to re-model my reality a fair bit to have any chance of fitting the fantasy in there in a long term sort of way.
14 years