
Possible ffa ?

You took the trouble to sign up yesterday just to post this "Fat-Positive" statement???

PlumpCourtney wrote
Possibly, but if your profile picture is really of you, I wouldn't let her ruin that body smiley Just try to fatten her up!
14 years

Possible ffa ?

shryve wrote
You took the trouble to sign up yesterday just to post this "Fat-Positive" statement???

PlumpCourtney wrote
Possibly, but if your profile picture is really of you, I wouldn't let her ruin that body smiley Just try to fatten her up!


I can kinda see where shes coming from, but thats part of the fun, "ruining" what society deems a "perfect body" into something only us here would find incredibly sexy, full points to the person who does it to, quite a brave undertaking smiley
14 years