
Some just not meant to gain?

Trippy5 wrote
Ok I am an 19 y/o slim male,6ft and 135 lbs. I have been trying to gain for over a year and it is seeming IMPOSSIBLE! I have tried everything from eating bowls of ice cream and going to sleep to stuffing myself with high calorie snacks and pasta throughout the day. No matter what I do and the combined with the lack of activity I have, nothing seems to work. I just cannot get past the 135 mark. I am really starting to think that some people just aren't meant to be fat...Please if anybody has any tips that has gained, please respond. I am considering chugging olive oil or weight gain shakes, I'm desperate LOl...:o

Your metabolism is definately sabotaging you, but there are some things that you can do to get around that. If you can stand to do it, skip breakfast, and lunch, but eat a truly monstrous dinner. In this way you can fool your body into thinking it's starving, which will send it into storage mode. This method is not for prolonged use, but it can be used as an effective kick start to a gaining regime.

Another, though even less healthy, way is to "crash diet" and binge in cycles. This also confuses your metabolism, causing it to spike and plunge many times. After doing this for a while your metabolism should be in tatters. Though again, this should only be used for a short amount of time to get your gain started.

After using one of these methods it is a good idea to get on a healthy, high calorie diet. Get lots of vegetables and fruits, and don't forget your fiber...though you can still gorge on those fatty delights.
14 years

Some just not meant to gain?

Gratz mate, enjoy every second. smiley
13 years