Extreme obesity

Like being helpless?

Yeah that's what I'm looking for
14 years

Like being helpless?

Immobility is a great fantasy, one that I've been thinking about a lot lately acutally.

But in the real world I don't think I'd want to do it, mainly because I'd want to be able to get out and do things on my own and partially because if you're completely dependent on someone what happens to you if that person leaves?

But still a good fantasy I'll give it that, a very enticing one indeed.
13 years

Like being helpless?

Count me insmiley
13 years

Like being helpless?

I've got conflicted feelings about the whole helplessness thing; there's no doubt that the idea/situation where I've lost control of my weight gain is a huge turn on, and my gains are in the hands of a feeder that makes me much fatter than I intended. I've fantasized often about being fed to the point where I'm too fat to get out of my chair/bed/wherever I'm being fed.

But the reality of being helplessly fat kind of scares me. If I could have my cake and eat it too (pun intended) I'd be big enough to be mobile, but only barely. I'd still have to rely on a girl that would be willing to take on that kind of responsibility, and that's a lot to ask from someone, and a lot of trust to place in someone. I still haven't met that person that would be willing to indulge something like that with me.
13 years

Like being helpless?

it's definitely part of the appeal
13 years

Like being helpless?

I would have to agree the becoming immobile is a great fantasy or even having an immoblie partner. Definately one of mine!
13 years

Like being helpless?

I love the thought of being purposely fattened into immobility and far beyond. She'd get off on the health risks and how helpless I'd become and she'd never stop wanting more...which would be fine by me. smiley
10 years