
The fear takes over the desire?

Ok, *takes a deep breath* I've been visiting this site for a few years and as I said in my intro post on the general board I tried this site years ago when I really wanted to gain weight but then chickened out because of the obvious reason - I was at home. (I was 22 at the time) and now I'm 24, haven't lost much if any weight (if anything I probably gained) and for most of the year I live on college campus and so I get a bit more freedom of what I get to eat and when I get to eat.

For the first few months by myself I actually gained 20 pounds on purpose because I told myself 'if you are hungry then eat!' no matter what time of the day it was, if my stomach growled I ate. I even managed to eat at least 2 candy bars a day ...I know that's not healthy but it's what I'd been wanting to do since I was in High School. Just be able to binge when ever I wished.

I loved that time and I didn't care for once what people said. And I actually loved the feeling of my pants growing tighter and knowing that my mom couldn't complain until I saw her again. It turned me on beyond reason and kept me sexually happy for once in my life as well.

I'm lucky in that I don't have a lot of health problems, my blood pressure is always normal so is my blood sugar. Which surprises me because I'll admit it, I gained the beginning 75 pounds on my first four years at community college by eating junk food and fast food when ever I wanted.

My only problem is (and this could just be because I'm at home for the summer and I no longer have my freedom Dsmiley now I'm scared to gain weight and I've lost 10 pounds since summer started because mom and dad see me eat. I have gotten to where it's like 'if I want to eat then I'm going to eat. You can't say no, I'm 24 now!' and I'll binge before bed on ice cream or a sandwhich.

I'm not comfortable yet to post a picture of myself but I don't want people to think I'm fake. I've been writing about this site in my diary in my room for years and I've just been too chicken to write all of this down.

If people were wondering a bit about me I gain weight mostly in my belly and I like it like that. I love feeling full and I would hate to lose all my belly fat this summer. I have brown eyes and brown hair and told that I have a beautiful smile.

EDIT: ok ok, I'll upload a photo. This is very recent and it's of me in my kimono during our trip to Japan (it was very arousing to find out that I had to put a man's 2x kimono on because the woman 3x didn't fit. xD)

Does anyone have any sugguestions on how I can keep my weight up while under my parents eyes?

14 years

The fear takes over the desire?

I do have the ability to eat away from my parents and I'm lucky enough, right now, to have class during the day. I'll stop at a fast food place and get something then grab some junk food snacks at a gas station before class then do the same afterwards.

I'm hoping that will keep some of the pounds on. What I really want to do is either gain a bit here and there (keep up my binging and eating what I want when I want) until school starts or just keep my belly big until school starts so I can add more to it.

Mom also wants me to exercise and I hate to do that because I feel the calories burning off and it's like "GRR!" I've been thinking of trying to hide a stash in my room and after I exercise make sure I eat to fill back in the calories.

Thanks for the welcome, btw! ^_^
14 years

The fear takes over the desire?

Xandra wrote
If you just hate to exercise because you feel the calories burning then just do it anyway. The calories are easy to replace and when your parents see that you work out and it doesn't make you lose, they will give up on that.
Besides, a little exercise is good for you anyway. Even if actively gaining is the goal.
Good luck on the way. Being yourself while living with your parents is really hard.

I agree w/ the exercise thing. I don't mind slowly walking down the block or even getting on the tread mill. I just don't like how she wants me to do step aerobics. x_X

Thanks for the well wishes! smiley
14 years