
Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

I drift in and out of it in a serious manner all the time, but it tends to be more linked to my self-esteem then anything.

It's just such an integral part of myself and my sexuality that I don't think I'd ever be able to completely lose it.

14 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

mistywilmot wrote
disconnectedsmile wrote
Maximum wrote
It's just such an integral part of myself and my sexuality that I don't think I'd ever be able to completely lose it.

I likes what I likes, and I can’t help it or deny it. Furthermore, why would I want to?

Both of those statements made me smile lots. Just to let you know.

lol making someone smile is always a triumph.

As for disconnected, not everyone is always content with who they are and what they like and such feelings can stem from a variety of sources which I can deffinetly appreciate.
14 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

I think a true feedee is something that is part of them, and will never change. It started as a child and continued. On the other hand, people who just go from one fetish to another looking for a fetish will probably get tired of it.
14 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

curseofcurves07 wrote
skizzles wrote
eagledancer wrote
skizzles wrote
Take some time off from the porn sites and you'll eventually see some hot fat chicks that will re-ignite that desire in you. Cheers!

If you read their earlier posts, this isn't about their interest in porn sites, but their direct involvement in personal gaining.

Read my comment. I'm talking about personal gaining. And, this is a porn site. Late.

Just because you jack off to photo albums doesn't mean it's a porn site. I would consider this more social networking than anything else...

/agreed lol we have very strict rules on the content of pics and vids here. A fetish site doesn't have to be a porn site and Fantasy Feeder is the perfect example of that. Hell if this was just another porn site i'd probably leave...
14 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

I am a feeder and have noticed that for some people it seems to be a phase that they go through, that can be very exciting. But then as fast as it came, they lose it again. Sometimes they feel to me (as a full blood feeder that will always be a feeder no matter what) a little flightly and wierd, since first you see that person, totally excited, then it vanishes completely, like never have existed.

This is helped by the fact, that most feeders and feedees seem to live in the closet and never really have been fed/or have fed somebody else. And neither want to experience it, or (as in my case) get frustrated of getting so little real life experience out of it, or so little possibility to connect on a personal level (maybe just as fellow feeders or feedees, to have somebody to talk about it, human to human). My posts recently, trying to setup a meeting in the San Francisco Bay area have showed me what I knew already a little. That is nothing provocative, nothing strange, nothing wild and I got zip response, everybody seem to be scared or at least, not chose to live this out in the real world. I do get it, since we are all kind of hiding.
I just recently told a friend that I am feeder (because we talked about sexual preferences and I did not want to talk about mine and then her curiosity made her push me to tell)
And now she is shocked. She is big herself, but has serious issues with her weight and definitely does not want to gain, that is the furthest thing for her on her mind. I totally understand that and would never have had the slightest inkling of a thought to try to "convince" her to become a feedee, since we all know: you either are, or you are not.
But it still damaged the relationship and I am pretty sure that she deep inside now thinks that I am a worse person than she thought before, which is sad. But I am what I am and I do not appologize. I don't harm anyone with this, this is only between consenting adults and a feedee needs to be fed, we all know that. They will do it with or without us and it is important to share this, as nobody can understand the excitement (sexual or otherwise) of feeding or gaining and "the fat growing experience (tm) (r)" (now at Disneyworld, no I am just kidding )

So I think it is very alike the homosexual movement in the 50 and 60: They pretty much had to hide, they were discriminated big time and some even classified it as a psychiatric disease. Now gayness is accepted, thank god! But feederism is something so hideous for some people, it is like the unspeakable.
Well, we live in a world of fat phobia, as we all know.

And then there is the thing about just wanting to experience how it is to have your body grow or shrink, to modify it. And that can also be feeding and I guess, once you have had this experience, you have.... had it. End of story.

But in my case I have noticed the lust for feeding (or even thought of being a feedee myself) fade in and out in strenght, sometimes I am turned on by the very extreme (force feeding) and then sometimes other stuff. Experimenting is something that a lot of people do of course, to find out what feels good.

And then I wonder, where the line between FA and Feeder is. Is there one? Or is every true FA also a feeder (as more can always be sexy, depending where your top weight is, that you still find attractive)
And I guess it fits with feedees too: They have a setpoint, towards which they gain: If you have a feedee that is 180 lbs, and she has a setpoint of 350, she is going to gain at some point, hindered by diets and all kinds of conformism behaviour to please the expectations of others instead of the ones of herself. But with the right environment, she will gain up to 350 and then stay there and be happy, feel better with her body. Yet she might never really let herself go or get the proper encouragement. This also depending on how conformist she lives her life, how much she thinks that the world is shaped by what others want of her (I have to be attractive to others, to feel attractive to myself), or what she herself wants (I don't care what others think)

And as there are different setpoints, there are also likes of feeders, that want their feedees to reach maybe only 270 lbs and then "she becomes too fat for me" and that would fit fine with a feedee that only wants to go up to 260 lbs.

The phase I have right now is called: realism. I prefer to watch a feedee eat or go out eating and talk about feederism and what is means, maybe even in a group or people (and just meeting in a non feeding environment), than doing this extreme super feeding in my dreams and fantasy. I am a little tired of this. I have written sooooo many stories (see my website) that it kind of gets old just living in a fantasy world. I would like to know what other feeders think, real people, their experiences and expectations, their frustrations or whatever and form friendships.
So I am curious about what is going to happen. Seems to me that I am a pioneer, entering a unmapped country that few others have walked. Much less written reports about or drawn maps.

And thanks for that intelligent post about this new way of seeing things. Very interesting indeed!

Markus (aka Rubens_Feeder)
14 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??


Your last post was a very interesting read and and I agree with you on all points.
It guess the tricky bit is that feeding is often connected with sex, on some level, but maybe hidden or "not lived out" way.
So if you feed, you will/should/must have sex? I guess this assumption makes the whole thing much more complex.

That is exactly why I want to start a group of people to just talk and socialize. No feeding intentions, no dinner or lunch meeting. Just coffee and getting to know eachother and then when people know eachother a little more, we can be open and talk about the fascination of feeding and gaining and the wonderful feeling watching other people. It would be a save environment, no dating or hookup intended at all.
I think that many feeders/feedees/gainers and FAs would enjoy that a lot, since we are so isolated and live this out in forums and in IMs, which is really sad. I think we are ready to take the next step in this and I am ready to lead the way, since I have no expectations of it one way or another and am not really frustrated that so little real feeding does go on. I have done some real feeding and before I had my first experience, I remember being heck of a lot more frustrated at the total inability to bring this into reality or at least try it out.

And who can object to just talk about it and to share it with like minded people? The meeting would be feeder/feedee focused though, I would not tolerate FAs that think feeding and being fed is wrong. But there are lots of FAs that are tolerant, that I know.

Or maybe feeding-curious, a word I have used here for the first time.
So far my post has gotten no response whatsoever. So I wonder how many people have actually read it at all or why people don't respond or react. I have by far not been too forward in what I proposed.

Some people would probably say that there are very little big people in the SF Bay Area (due to the rapant Californian fitness fad ;-), but with millions of people, there must be lots of big people too and when you look carefully, you will notice, that there is not one large size positive bar or place (yes, there is one, but I would not consider that as large) and BBW groups (I know one on meetup which I frequent) are always on the verge of falling appart and seem to be very mariginal. So even FAs and BBWs seem to be still in the Closet here in the Bay Area, I guess it makes sense that the Feeder/Feedee community would then be much worse off due to this and even less visible.

But I am sure there must be lots of people out there, lots and lots and lots.
14 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

I go through phases of not being interested in anything feederism, then come back. Usually its tied to my mood. For some reason when I am really depressed, this places makes it worse. Not sure why.
14 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

Massailija wrote
it's easier to find needle in haystack.

lol, why do people say this? If its like most needles (metal) all you need is a magnet... smiley

I deffinetly feel you though Massailija and I think it works the same for both sexes sadly, society has done a real job on demonizing fat. smiley
14 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

Unfortunately, I have to agree. Finding female feeders is in my experience.... almost impossible, if not impossible.
Considering how fledling and undeveloped the feeder/feedee world is, finding this extremely rare species is the hardest thing out there.
I am not trying to kill off any hopes, I think it is just important to be real and know that there probably won't be possibilities to find them and live with it. I know maybe of about 3, in the whole world. And that is, after being in the field for over 10 years and having probably hundreds of people contact me over that time through my website.

I still haven't figured out what feeding really is, after all this time, what it means, why people do it and why not. I thought I knew what it was, but now wonder if I really do *scratches head* ;-)

Markus (aka Rubens_Feeder)
14 years

Anyone else feel as if they have out grown this fetish??

I feel I haven't outgrown the fetish in the sense that it still excites me, its just that I no longer practice it.

I've been in a relationship for a year this friday and my g/f is not into this fetish at all. I respect her wishes to not participate in it so I pretty much gave it up and hardly ever bring up the subject.

This feeder fetish will always be apart of me but I'm afraid I'm out of the game so to speak.
13 years
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