
When did you realise?

From the age of about 5 or 6, I knew that I liked fat people, and I liked the idea of becoming a fat person, though I couldn't really articulate it at the time.

When I reached the age of 12, I started to realize that I liked bbw's, and my sexual awakening revealed my fantasies of getting fat and gaining weight.
14 years

When did you realise?

I've had an interest/fascination with fat since I can remember, combined with positive feelings about it. When I hit puberty, bang! All of a sudden I noticed the one chubby girl in our class, feeling an attraction between our small bellies. This was in the fall of my grade six year, when I was eleven years old.

My first erotic fantasy was of a sort of weight gaining contest, with her, the next chubbiest girl in our class, myself, and a plump boy who lived across the street. I spun out scenarios spanning years (until we were 18, I couldn’t imagine what life would like beyond high school back then). I’d always start off as the thinnest and gaining the most slowly, but by the end would be gaining so fast that I’d become the fattest, so would end up dating the fatter of the two girls (I admit that at the time I had zero concept of dating beyond what I’d read in Archie Comics).

In other words, by the middle of sixth grade I new that I got turned on by being fat, gaining weight, by fat women, and by women gaining weight.

However, this was in 1979. I had no clue that anyone else felt the same or would ever understand how I felt at all. So I kept all those thoughts and feelings hidden, and even did my best to keep my weight down and be athletic, on the theory that all women preferred that.

It wasn’t until nearly a decade later that I got a clue that there was others out there who liked this, and that there were terms for it. Porn had never appealed to me, at least not the Playboy and Penthouse magazines of my friends, so I wondered if something was wrong with me. I decided to go and see if there was anything out there that did appeal, and I eventually came across two old issues of ‘BUF’ magazine, which was FA porn (featuring photos of fat women, weight gain stories, and all that you’d expect). Those told me that I was an FA, feeder, and feedee.

There was still nothing and nobody accessible for more support. It wasn’t for another several years, until after I was married, that I got access to the world wide web, and immediately went searching for fat stuff. I found Melanie Bell’s site first, and followed links from there.
14 years

When did you realise?

I remember going on an end of the year field trip to Waterworld back in 8th grade. I knew that several female classmates of mine would be in skimpy swimsuits, so on one hand, I used the field trip as somewhat of an opportunity to see several female classmates in a state of undress. What I do remember is kind of liking the sight of some chubby girls in their bikinis. I do remember being a bit confused about some of the chubby girls in their swimsuits, but in the end, I ended up liking what I saw. That's my earliest memory I think.

Also, I remember watching Real Women Have Curves and lusting after America Ferrera in the scene when she takes off her clothes, her and the other women in that scene, but mostly America.
14 years

When did you realise?

I always knew I liked fat women. I remember being less than ten, looking at curvy women of various sizes who were older than me, and thinking, "She is cute". When I would say that aloud around people, they would respond with, "She is kind of big". My response would be, "What are you talking about". I was clueless as to what they could possibly mean. I was probably around eleven when I was aware of my preference. And it was not long after that when I thought feeding would be kind of fun.
I was pretty young when I first saw "Pigs is Pigs" (I think everyone knows what I am referring to). The concept in that cartoon induced quite a unique feeling in me back then. Of course, now I know it was just a boner.
14 years

When did you realise?

Gettingfatter wrote
From the age of about 5 or 6, I knew that I liked fat people, and I liked the idea of becoming a fat person, though I couldn't really articulate it at the time.

When I reached the age of 12, I started to realize that I liked bbw's, and my sexual awakening revealed my fantasies of getting fat and gaining weight.
About the same with me.
13 years

When did you realise?

For me it was college. I loved watching the freshmen 15-50. This changed pencil girls turn into curvy sexy women in tight clothing.
13 years

When did you realise?

wel i thik was allways was an FA and maybe evan a feeder smiley

i cant rememer when this startet but i can remember that when i was 9 years old i allready loved the belly of our neighbours girl tat was about my age

of cause it took some more time for me to recognize that this was my sexual preference, but it always had been there
13 years

When did you realise?

Everyone's story sounds so familiar. I can remember at an early age, probably 4 or 5. I used to ask my grandmother who was an artist to draw fat people for me. I'm sure she thought I was weird. Around the same time, 5-6 I used to stuff my clothes for fun. It was until I was 13-14 when I discover my preferences for bellies... I would always search for the before and after weightloss photos in magazines and dream about them in reverse. Then the beginnings of the Internet...
13 years

When did you realise?

When I was about 11 I saw a disney cartoon about a persons emotions and their rational concience, featuring Professor Duck [Donald Ducks uncle or something]. It was two cartoon characters inside each persons head at the wheels of the brain. Firstly it started with the cartoon man slapping an attractive womens ass. The concience [a bank clerk type] was scolding the emotions [a typical blue collar man]. Then it went to the cartoon woman, curvatious but definately slim. The concience, [a typical librarian type] had been in control when the man got slapped. The emotions [again steryotypically loose looking] was moaning about how we never have any fun and that man was really cute and attractive. Anyway the woman was hungry and saw a cafe. The concience who was in control said we can go in but only for a coffee and some toast. It was at this point that the emotions enough was enough, pushed the concience out of the way and ordered just about everything on the menu, cake, ice cream and a whole host of fattenning goodies. The attractive woman just ate and ate until she was completely full. Everything expanded, her boobs became huge first, then her ass and belly outdid the rest of her until she became really fat. The concience was very ennoyed but the emotions didn't care. I found this greatly appealling but didn't really know why. This cartoon is very old now so I have no idea whether anyone else has seen this. Not until my mid teens when I used to fantasize about girls getting bigger but was always too scared to voice what I really liked did I realize why I loved this cartoon so much.
13 years

When did you realise?

It's so interesting that the ground work to adult sexuality is laid down in childhood. I also recollect an absolute fascination with cartoons involving weight gain etc. I used to imagine people getting fat and gaining weight most nights before I went to sleep, now before I sleep I think sexual thoughts - notice a trend?!

I also find it interesting that I was so late in discovering my fetish. I was 19, most others on here were quite young.

After this childhood fascination, men that I fancied were generally average weight. Then I was reading an article on fetishism on wikipedia and found myself turned on while reading the section on gainers, it suddenly all clicked into place!
13 years
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