
Suprising weight gain.

That's good then, being underweight is actually quite a lot worse for you than being fat.

But as Weesha said, I'd take it a little slow starting out. You don't want to go off the deep end with any kind of diet change, especially one to gain weight. I'd suggest that if you want to gain more then you should increase your food intake just slightly for the time being.
13 years

Suprising weight gain.

I understand how it surprised you because it happened to me a quite while back the same way.

I was an athlete and always had a hard time putting on weight...I would always just build lean muscle even if I was working out and lifting heavy coupled with weight gain shakes etc. I felt as though I would always be slim. After college ended I started working in a corporate job and was not playing sports like I did in college.

I can remember the first time I noticed a gain was when I stepped on a scale at a drug store that my girlfriend and I were shopping at and it read 180 Lbs. no I had never been over 165 Lbs. ever until I read that number that moment...I was kinda in shock and didn't believe it was right.

I didn't pay huge attention but over the course of the next year and a half many things changed in my life as previously said along with my girlfriend and I moving in together. She was great, beautiful and had a fuller soft figure which I loved.

she turned into the little housemaker while we cohabitated and she finished her senior year of college while I was into my second year of my career. She cooked some calorie filled country dinners every night along with baked goods for dessert. I was enjoying the effects our living together and her cooking were having on her figure in a big way....she was getting so fat at a rapid pace and I was falling more and more in love with her through the entire process. At this point I was just enjoying all of her gaining but not discussing it with her for fear she may try to diet. One day she was sad and opened up a conversation about how fat she had become since we moved in together. I told her I thought she looked great, better than ever. I think she believed me but then she said, "maybe we should go on a diet", I didn't know if I heard her right and said "what". I must of had a confused look on my face and she kind of smirked in a playful voice and said, "you don't even realize how fat you have become too". There it was she called me fat all of a sudden I was in some weird denial like I was the Same thin/muscular college kid who could never gain weight and thats how I still felt although I was now a thicker heavier muscular guy with an ever expanding waistline with a "some would call" huge gut not to mention so out of shape I had a hard time bending over....I was Fat. Over the course of a couple years my metabolism, food intake, lack of athletics and our new realtionship lifestyle made me gain 70 + Lbs.

I had never in my FA and weight gain dreams ever felt this aroused as in this mutual gaining experience...but I have to say I felt kind of insecure at times and hated how big I had become at least half of the time other than when I was with my fattened up girlfriend and when we were either role playing, stuffing ourselves, making love or anything together. Whenever I was at work or with friends I was constantly remided of how fat I was and it made me have mixed feelings and way insecure. It was like a drug I almost just wanted to be with her exclusively like when we were together on the weekends all we would do is cuddle and hold each other exploring eachothers expanding bodies when we were not stuffing our faces...we would tease each other about getting fat in a playful way and talking about gaining constantly.

I can say that it was the biggest shoch I have ever gone through and completely understand how someone can totally be unaware of how much they have gained when they actually step on a scale.
13 years

Suprising weight gain.

voluptuouslover wrote
I understand how it surprised you because it happened to me a quite while back the same way.

I was an athlete and always had a hard time putting on weight...I would always just build lean muscle even if I was working out and lifting heavy coupled with weight gain shakes etc. I felt as though I would always be slim. After college ended I started working in a corporate job and was not playing sports like I did in college.

I can remember the first time I noticed a gain was when I stepped on a scale at a drug store that my girlfriend and I were shopping at and it read 180 Lbs. no I had never been over 165 Lbs. ever until I read that number that moment...I was kinda in shock and didn't believe it was right.

I didn't pay huge attention but over the course of the next year and a half many things changed in my life as previously said along with my girlfriend and I moving in together. She was great, beautiful and had a fuller soft figure which I loved.

she turned into the little housemaker while we cohabitated and she finished her senior year of college while I was into my second year of my career. She cooked some calorie filled country dinners every night along with baked goods for dessert. I was enjoying the effects our living together and her cooking were having on her figure in a big way....she was getting so fat at a rapid pace and I was falling more and more in love with her through the entire process. At this point I was just enjoying all of her gaining but not discussing it with her for fear she may try to diet. One day she was sad and opened up a conversation about how fat she had become since we moved in together. I told her I thought she looked great, better than ever. I think she believed me but then she said, "maybe we should go on a diet", I didn't know if I heard her right and said "what". I must of had a confused look on my face and she kind of smirked in a playful voice and said, "you don't even realize how fat you have become too". There it was she called me fat all of a sudden I was in some weird denial like I was the Same thin/muscular college kid who could never gain weight and thats how I still felt although I was now a thicker heavier muscular guy with an ever expanding waistline with a "some would call" huge gut not to mention so out of shape I had a hard time bending over....I was Fat. Over the course of a couple years my metabolism, food intake, lack of athletics and our new realtionship lifestyle made me gain 70 + Lbs.

I had never in my FA and weight gain dreams ever felt this aroused as in this mutual gaining experience...but I have to say I felt kind of insecure at times and hated how big I had become at least half of the time other than when I was with my fattened up girlfriend and when we were either role playing, stuffing ourselves, making love or anything together. Whenever I was at work or with friends I was constantly remided of how fat I was and it made me have mixed feelings and way insecure. It was like a drug I almost just wanted to be with her exclusively like when we were together on the weekends all we would do is cuddle and hold each other exploring eachothers expanding bodies when we were not stuffing our faces...we would tease each other about getting fat in a playful way and talking about gaining constantly.

I can say that it was the biggest shoch I have ever gone through and completely understand how someone can totally be unaware of how much they have gained when they actually step on a scale.

Please tell me you two are still happily together. smiley
13 years