
Male penis size....

Is this an issue for most women, or is it more of a hangup that men are concerned with? I've heard arguements that much of this matter is a male ego thing, and that women don't care as long as you know how to use it. Honestly, I think it boils down to preference, like anything else.

Your thoughts?
13 years

Male penis size....

Mhmmmmmm........I often wonder if smaller penises equals evolution in terms of procreation, meaning if women will not sleep with men whom own small penises, then those men can not procreate, meaning they're not suppose to further their particular genes. Just a 5am thought, but one I've had for years.
13 years

Male penis size....

Hmm, if reading erotic literature has taught me anything, it is that women want a penis which they "can feel ramming against my tailbone" xD

I've never worried about it myself, though I suppose with no experience I have no need to lol, I think its the same as the whole "last longer" industry, big business using advertising to cash in on the insecurities of men, same way they do with women and being fat.
13 years

Male penis size....

Chubbylovely wrote
This is a hard one... at my age I do know I prefer a large penis compared to a small one... Speaking to girlfriends, a lot of the time it is about the size. A lot of dating is done via net these days, I have a girlfriend who asks for pics quite early into the convo and if it isnt up to scratch, she stops talking to the guy :S
I think when it comes down to genuine feelings and love, size doesnt matter.. but thats not to say the girl isnt disappointed if shes faced with a penis the size of her thumb.
I hope this didnt come across as harsh but I wanted to be honest. No offense intended to anyone. smiley

"Faced with a penis the size of her thumb." WOW..I could see how that would be useless, you'd barely be able to feel it. I've heard women say they have seen them that small but I didn't know if it was actually true. Are we talking an ERECT penis the size of a thumb? If so, I kind of feel bad for the guy.
13 years

Male penis size....

Sex seems so important to a lot of people and honestly I'm unsure why. Sure it feels good, but in the end I'd rather be with somebody I love mentally that is devoted to me and I know really deep down loves me no matter what. I understand you can have that and have good sex, but I just don't really see the big deal. Don't get me wrong, sex can be pretty amazing when you are in the bed room for hours together, but honestly I get the same feeling out of runners high so maybe thats why I don't care as much as other people.

But hey, I'm not a chick or gay, so I wouldn't know about the real question haha.. I'm happy with my size. When it comes to sex I try my best to please my partner and really don't care about pleasing myself.

I've never been with a "bigger girl" least not in the 200's or anything. So I guess that might change the penis size requirements? haha
13 years

Male penis size....

AliceInWonderland wrote
I'm just wondering... why is this thread called 'male penis size'...

Yeah...I thought about that after I posted it.
13 years

Male penis size....

Chubbylovely wrote
nl54 wrote
Chubbylovely wrote
This is a hard one... at my age I do know I prefer a large penis compared to a small one... Speaking to girlfriends, a lot of the time it is about the size. A lot of dating is done via net these days, I have a girlfriend who asks for pics quite early into the convo and if it isnt up to scratch, she stops talking to the guy :S
I think when it comes down to genuine feelings and love, size doesnt matter.. but thats not to say the girl isnt disappointed if shes faced with a penis the size of her thumb.
I hope this didnt come across as harsh but I wanted to be honest. No offense intended to anyone. smiley

"Faced with a penis the size of her thumb." WOW..I could see how that would be useless, you'd barely be able to feel it. I've heard women say they have seen them that small but I didn't know if it was actually true. Are we talking an ERECT penis the size of a thumb? If so, I kind of feel bad for the guy.

Actually, it was half the size of a thumb and it looked like a deformed inverted mushroom... kinda round with a tiny head on it, yes I felt for the guy :S I also wont let on I find a penis small if it is, if they ask, I tell them its definitely average and is fine. With that one though, thank god he didnt ask! lol
The thumb reference I actually got from my sister... she was drunk one night and happened to hook up with a rather tiny friend of ours and hes penis size was often wondered about by all of us as a group.. When questioned after the act, my sister said ( and quote ) " It was like sucking a thumb..." smiley

Indeed, that is very small. Poor man. Makes me feel like a goliath with my 6 1/2 inchessmiley
13 years

Male penis size....

chubsqueezer wrote
abeamt wrote
So I've got this question that I've really always had. How big, exactly, is big?

That depends on the other person. I have been with men who are pretty average, big and really big. One really big one was too much, he was about 11" and wicked thick. But women are all different, like men. Since we are being so candid and talking my fav subject, lol, for me 7.5" to 9 is a great length and thick is good.

Haha no.
I don't think you know just how rare an 11" penis is. I'm talking less than .1% of the WORLD'S population. And yes, this is counting Africa.

And going from your preferences, you have limited yourself to just 2.9% and under of the population. And you're most likely looking for someone in the bbw community... So you aren't exactly stacking the odds in your favor lol..

Guys, luckily for you this brings up a good point. Most women are awful at being able to judge the size, so unless you're basically a microdick she won't care. 6 inches give or take an inch is enough to satisfy all but the most popular of porn stars and is well within the average range (erect). Contrary to popular belief, having something ram her cervix isn't a very pleasant experience for a woman but just like anything else the vagina can be stretched out and there is something to be gained from the sense of being "filled out," which deals more in girth than anything. If you want to learn more about dicks or vagoos your public library is a great place to start!
13 years

Male penis size....

DorianGray wrote
Sex seems so important to a lot of people and honestly I'm unsure why. Sure it feels good, but in the end I'd rather be with somebody I love mentally that is devoted to me and I know really deep down loves me no matter what. I understand you can have that and have good sex, but I just don't really see the big deal. Don't get me wrong, sex can be pretty amazing when you are in the bed room for hours together, but honestly I get the same feeling out of runners high so maybe thats why I don't care as much as other people.

But hey, I'm not a chick or gay, so I wouldn't know about the real question haha.. I'm happy with my size. When it comes to sex I try my best to please my partner and really don't care about pleasing myself.

Wow, never thought i'd hear something like this coming from someone like you lol. I wish everyone felt this way. smiley
13 years

Male penis size....

Well I like penises on the smaller side of the spectrum otherwise they ***ing hurt !!!
I dont like the feeling of having my cervix plowed up into my uterus I would rather a shorter thicker penis that the owner knows how to use anyday than a huge big schlong attatched to a ***
13 years
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