
To gain or not to gain?

Hi guys. My names Tom and i'm an FA with a bit of a secret desire to become a feedee...who doesn't right? XD

But for last few months i've been loosing weight, because for a while I had an ambition to try and joing the royal marines, but that's worn off somewhat now.

But I still do have an ambition to gain (and i think i always will to some extent), but i've worked hard getting fit and don't want to loose that. The only thing that will tip the scale in the direction of gaining (pun intended smiley) is if I can find a girl who wants to feed me?

Here's some pics smiley
13 years

To gain or not to gain?

13 years

To gain or not to gain?

13 years

To gain or not to gain?

13 years

To gain or not to gain?

The question is never "Whether I should gain" but "How MUCH should I gain"!!!
13 years