
University shoutouts

Viscountess Reese III wrote
George Mason University. Apparently there is at least 1 other student from GMU here on FF. We're trying to meet up in Spring Semester. smiley

P.S. I'm at 115 credits, but I don't want to go back. Any encouragement is appreciated.

I'm originally from Fairfax, VA! I live quite literally less than 5 minutes away from Mason. smiley

BUT! I'm currently attending Fordham University in New York City. Anyone else close by?
13 years

University shoutouts

ThatReesesGirl wrote:
LoL, I just meet up with a fellow FF member at GMU today. It was nice. PATRIOTS REPRESENT!! smiley

13 years

University shoutouts

Plattsburgh State Alum
13 years

University shoutouts

Old Dominion University of Norfolk VA. *I could have sworn I posted in this thread before...oh well*

As near as I can tell I'm the only FFer within 60 miles of the school in any direction. But that's nothing new for me, where I grew up I was the only one for probably 100 miles.
13 years

University shoutouts

University of Stuttgart
13 years

University shoutouts

UNL! woot go Huskers!
12 years

University shoutouts

14 years ago now. Oxford Brooks, got a 2:1 in Geography and Sociology and ended up as a taxi driver??
12 years

University shoutouts

University of Teeside, got to love the north east
12 years

University shoutouts

the North Carolina A&T
12 years

University shoutouts

University of MO-Columbia and Washington University in St. Louis.
12 years
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