
Big as? or bigger ?

Co-workers, peers, friends...

Have you ever been the fattest at work/school/church and someone wanted to be fatter than you? Or vice versa?

Have you ever gained to be the same size as someone else? Have they gained to be the same size or bigger than you?
13 years

Big as? or bigger ?

This is an example.....kind of 3rd party!

My wife is fairly short @ 5'3" and very curvy with big breasts and fluctuates in weight once and a while. a weight gain of 15-20 Lbs. can look rather impressive and more like 40+ Lbs on a taller woman.....also she carries all the curves in all the right places making it look very obvious as she grows out of her clothing etc.

She had a friend who was always quite slim and about 5'7" that we would go on vacations with as couples. One of these vacations was to Cabo San Lucas and the women were always in there Bikinis and I would have to estimate my wifes weight to be within 15Lbs. or so of her heaviest weight ever....probably around 185 Lbs. She looked absolutely delectable while still prancing around in a string bikini which was new but had to be the biggest size yet it was still straining to contain all her extra curves and weight. She was breathtaking yet at times I was taken back at how much fatter she was than her friend.

Unfortunately she has lost a good 30Lbs of that weight over the years but her friend has put on so much that she makes my wife look skinny next to fact I would estimate her friends weight gain at about 60-70 Lbs.

The funniest thing is to hear my wife after we get done seeing them every so often say she is even getting bigger! It was the biggest differance just a few years back when it was the initial shock of when she started her fast seemed like it happened over night but I am sure it was like in a matter of two years.

It was a pretty big turn on to see her gain so much weight, not to mention having my wife talk about it with me after we just met up after not seeing her for months.
13 years

Big as? or bigger ?

one of my weight gain "goals" is to be bigger than a friend of mine. when i first came up with this idea, she weighed around 225. now she's 270 or 280. i'll catch up to her eventually.
13 years

Big as? or bigger ?

Nomoreskinnygirl wrote
I have a friend that I haven't seen in a while. She's about 4'10" and tiny. So we always looked funny together, since I'm 5'7". Well, after her divorce, she put her health ed degree to use and has been teaching exercise classes, Zumba and things like that, since May. So she has gotten even more buff, and I have, well, Blossomed. (giggle) I saw her today and the difference made me laugh. She invited me to come exercise with her. haha

I'm glad you don't see her that often.You already work out just the right amount as it is. And the infrequency will make it even better when you see her next and are even more "Plush". She'll try to Drag you to the gym! But she'll be playing tug of war with your hubby!lol
13 years

Big as? or bigger ?

lol, leave Ruby alone you n00bz, I moved it to weightgain AFTER she said that, this was originally in general. smiley
13 years