
Weightgain package nearing completion

Development of the new weightgain package is now well underway. Phase one of the development has now been uploaded to the site and is currently being tested by the mod team. The package has four sections as follows:

* Weightgain goals - This is where you enter the weight you'd like to be and how quickly you'd like to gain, and it calculates the number of calories you'd need to eat each day, based on your gender, age, height, weight, activity etc.

* Meal planner - A place where you can set your weekly menu to try and meet the calorie requirement calculated above. You search for a food item from a database of over 2000 types of food and add them to your breakfast, lunch, dinner or snacks for each day.

* Progress recorder - This is where you can enter details of your weightgain. A special type of blog will allow you to write about how you feel it's going, plus you'll be able to enter your measurements and body statistics such as weight, BMR etc.

* Outcome reports - You'll be able to see the results of your progress plotted on various graphs. Also you'll be able to compare your graphs/progress with other members.

There's still time for you to add your suggestions for features you think you'd like to see in this package and any comments or ideas will be gratefully received.

I'll post some preview pics below so you can start to get a feel of how the new package will look.
13 years

Weightgain package nearing completion

Weightgain goals screen:
13 years

Weightgain package nearing completion

Meal planner screen:
13 years

Weightgain package nearing completion

Progress recorder screen:
13 years

Weightgain package nearing completion

Outcome reports screen:
13 years

Weightgain package nearing completion

This stuff is really impressive H
13 years

Weightgain package nearing completion

Very, very cool. Good stuff!
13 years

Weightgain package nearing completion

Fancy! Nice addition!
13 years

Weightgain package nearing completion

To answer the questions, the package will cost the sme as the others $9.95 per month.

In the finished package there will be a feature to upload pics, however I'm thinking of having categories of pics e.g front standing, back standing, side profile etc. This will allow for easy comparisons of weightgain over time.

Ordinary members will not be able to create graphs, pics, blogs etc but will be able to view and comment on them. They can then offer their support and encourgement to the gainers and follow their progress.

How does this sound?
13 years

Weightgain package nearing completion

Yeah, actually the meal planner is the part that's been the most difficult. It uses a database of 2,000 foods, but it's hard to find a line between being easy to use (but perhaps not so accurate) and detailed (but more accurate).

For instance the database contains an entry for cheeseburger, but then you can add mayo, salad, dressing etc. which adds additional calories.

I think your solution is a good one, allow people to create their own food items when they know the calorie content.
13 years
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