
A possible feedee encounter

My wife and I go out to several different restaurants for breakfast on the weekends. We happened to go last weekend to a spot we sort of forgot about or have not been in about a year or so.

To my surprise being the FA that I am I was entranced by the most exaggerated belly on one of the new waitresses or at least new to me. All the waitresses wear restaurant logoed t-shirts which typically are fairly loose but her's was not only form fitting but her belly was so big and fat that her shirt rode right up and her belly poked out. The rest of her figure was basically normal possibly a bit overweight but her belly must have been a good 45" around and she just let it stick out and bounce around on display like she was completely proud of it. "pretty amazing"

So if this wasn't enough, over walks another waitress that we happen to know from when we used to frequent this place and she says Hi to both my wife and myself asking us where we have been. My wife does most of the talking in the conversation while I am in awe about the differences in her, she used to be one of those figures that have skinnier legs/arms tallish around 5' 8" with good size breasts for her skinnier frame (never noticed she had any belly)....well now she has filled in her thighs and arms and her breasts are huge and fat and her belly could not even be contained in her shirt and cardigan sweater. She easily gained 60+ Lbs. she looked uncomfortably strained in her clothing which was a turn on by itself and the whole time she was smiling and totally secure with her new extremely differant figure. After she left my wife said wow, she certainly has been eating good in a jkoing way.

As I saw her and the other big bellied waitress playfully joke around and smile together while working, I couldnt help but think either the food at this place was very very fattening (which probably is, with the size portions) but even more so possibly the one new big bellied waitress encouraging the other and both of them partaking in a huge way to the fringe benefits of ther job. I have to say that I am very convinced that the big bellied waitress has to be into gaining because she put s that exagerrated belly of hers out on display so proudly that if she does not get comments to her face everyone she passes by is clearly taking double takes at her gut at the restaurant.

I think we are going to start going there every weekend exclusively to see if maybe all this good eating will enhance my wifes belly the same way....she already has a good starter kit and tends to grow in that region pretty good!
13 years