
What are the best snack foods

My wife tends to eat a regular volume of food in her meals most of the time. I notice she gains weight when she eats more snacks and desserts. I will buy on occassion ice cream and cookies in hopes that she will love eating them up but she has never really said anything about it and just eats them up, which is great, but last week I bought some hagen daas and Ben n Jerrys and some Chocolates more in abundance then typical. To my surprise she said to me "Yummy" I saw you bought me some goodies and she polished it off in 4 days.

So, I just bought her way more of the Chocolates (3 Lbs) and the same 2 quarts of ice cream, and I am getting concerned she is going to say something to the effect of "why did you buy me so much" which will kind of suck, but I am hoping she will say "Yummy" again or just eat them very quickly and then we can have a pattern of just increasing all the goodies.

She knows I would love for her to fatten up but she has always fought it with exception of certain times going with it for a while and getting fatter. Her weakness is desserts and snacks and when she has gained the most other than being pregnant it was when she was eating all these snacks more frequently.

What are the best snacks as far as calories to gain weight with?
13 years