
Drinking olive oil to gain

Well it's a great way to make yourself vomit, if nothing else.
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

Dreds MacBrehon wrote:
Ya gotta watch the saturated fat. That's the biggest lead-in to diabetes and cardiovascular problems like atherosclerosis, clots, embolisms, and, heart disease. The unsaturated fats in olive oil, however, are great for you, as long as you stay within your recommended daily values. Everything in moderation, right? The mono and polyunsaturated fats lower your LDL cholesterol and contain vitamins/antioxidants like vitamin E, omega-3, and omega-6. So, you want the oil in your diet, but not so much to really gain weight.

olive oil contains monounsaturated fats, i.e., "good fat." heavy cream contains saturated fat. if anything, avoid the cream and go with the olive oil.

frankly, i've done the olive oil thing. albeit not in cups. i think it's like a table spoon or something contains 200ish calories (someone can correct me on that if i'm wrong)? and, honestly, in small amounts, over a long period time, it's not so bad.

it takes a little bit of a strong stomach to tolerate, and it's by no means... pleasant, but it's certainly not awful, and, in small amount, it's not vomit inducing.

i say mess around with it a little--rather than drinking it by itself, add it to whatever you're eating through out the day. i find olive oil adds pretty good flavor to just about anything savory.

but, that's just me.
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

anonymizleness wrote:
The issue unfortunately is that I'm in it for the rapid weight gain, I don't really enjoy eating all that much. (you can shoot me now smiley )

lol, why would we shoot you?

You're deffiently not alone, I too prefer the actual weight gain to eating and stuffing, but doesn't mean I want to try things that may make me sick and loose weight. smiley

Since the magical weight gain formula from the stories section isn't real (yet) i'd look into the next best thing, weight gain shakes.

We have a few threads here already about them and they allow you to be creative, cram as much fat in as possible and keep it tasting delicious. smiley
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

SensualDistender wrote:
Better idea... make frosting with Crisco and powdered sugar. Put it on your cupcakes every day smiley

...with Crisco?? Why not just use butter, it'll taste better that way.
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

bateman wrote:
Dreds MacBrehon wrote:
Ya gotta watch the saturated fat. That's the biggest lead-in to diabetes and cardiovascular problems like atherosclerosis, clots, embolisms, and, heart disease. The unsaturated fats in olive oil, however, are great for you, as long as you stay within your recommended daily values. Everything in moderation, right? The mono and polyunsaturated fats lower your LDL cholesterol and contain vitamins/antioxidants like vitamin E, omega-3, and omega-6. So, you want the oil in your diet, but not so much to really gain weight.

olive oil contains monounsaturated fats, i.e., "good fat." heavy cream contains saturated fat. if anything, avoid the cream and go with the olive oil.

frankly, i've done the olive oil thing. albeit not in cups. i think it's like a table spoon or something contains 200ish calories (someone can correct me on that if i'm wrong)? and, honestly, in small amounts, over a long period time, it's not so bad.

it takes a little bit of a strong stomach to tolerate, and it's by no means... pleasant, but it's certainly not awful, and, in small amount, it's not vomit inducing.

i say mess around with it a little--rather than drinking it by itself, add it to whatever you're eating through out the day. i find olive oil adds pretty good flavor to just about anything savory.

but, that's just me.
Agree...just use LOADS in food/'s good for you,but I think it's going to be hard work trying to just drink large amounts alone.smiley
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

SensualDistender wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
SensualDistender wrote:
Better idea... make frosting with Crisco and powdered sugar. Put it on your cupcakes every day smiley

...with Crisco?? Why not just use butter, it'll taste better that way.

Mmmm... you'd be surpised! When mixed with the right ingredients and flavoring (like vanilla or almond exract)it is smooth and fluffy. Look up some recipes.

Hmmm, I've always made my impromptu icing just with butter, powdered sugar, and coco powder. I really like the buttery flavor it has. So I'll just be taking your word for it lol.
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

Dont drink oil it will give you diarrhea, it runs through your system thats why they sometimes prescribe castor oil for constipation... honestly youd be better off getting lard and melting it and then mixing it in with icecream and then re-freezing it so you cant tell or taste it smiley
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

Forget the lard too. Here's the best way that's work with a few feedee girlfriends. Get some Scanishake gain power (order it online, it's not cheap but it is the best-tasting and most calorie-packed), mix one envelope with a pint of cold, melted premium ice cream like Ben & Jerry's or Hagen-Dazs (plain flavors work best), a half-pint of heavy cream and any other flavoring you want (I would often mix in Bailey's Irish Cream hehehe). If you're sucking from a tube, add enough half n half to make it flow.
13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

anonymizleness wrote:
Also I probably should have mentioned this before but, to be completely honest, I was a bit scared of what you guys would think.

lol, if you can't get honest, helpful advice on quick and easy weightgain in the weightgain section of a fat positive site, you can't get it anywhere. smiley

13 years

Drinking olive oil to gain

Good luck mate. Please do share your final recipe. I plan to also start a tube feeding regime in sept.

I'll race ya haha

Also kudos to those that replied here, has benefited more than just the OP

13 years
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