
Finding the right guy on ff?

Can I just say, for like the thousandth time lol, that anyone, man or woman, who encounters someone on this site who is rude or disrespectful, could you PLEASE inform the mods.

The more people who do this rather then just ignore it, will mean we'll be better able to pinpoint the worst offenders and remove them from our happy little community. smiley
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

Maximum wrote:
Can I just say, for like the thousandth time lol, that anyone, man or woman, who encounters someone on this site who is rude or disrespectful, could you PLEASE inform the mods.

The more people who do this rather then just ignore it, will mean we'll be better able to pinpoint the worst offenders and remove them from our happy little community. smiley

QFT. It'll also give you the satisfaction of knowing they'll dealt with- what's not to love? smiley
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

What I don't understand is when people leave here (or anywhere) because they encounter a few people who are not kind to them, or not nice, etc.

It doesn't matter how many people are not compatible with you, it matters how many there are.

And if you run into 100 people who are not your kind, and leave, you may miss the 101st person who could have been your soulmate.

Also, don't limit yourself to one site. If you are a gainer, or whatever, place an ad on Craig's List, or wherever. Most of the people may not understand. A few may criticize you. But you may get that one person who is into weight gain. Don't forget, not everyone knows about FF, and not everyone knows there are people who like to gain. If you are not a gainer, and just a BBW, you can still find someone.
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

SuperFelix wrote:
FlowerGoddess wrote:
Maximum wrote:
Can I just say, for like the thousandth time lol, that anyone, man or woman, who encounters someone on this site who is rude or disrespectful, could you PLEASE inform the mods.

The more people who do this rather then just ignore it, will mean we'll be better able to pinpoint the worst offenders and remove them from our happy little community. smiley

Hi, I was just curious if you mean this thread is considered disrespectful. If so I will take it down if its possible to do so and apologize if I've offended anyone.

The other way around.

It is impossible for the mods to know wich members are morons if we don't tell them.

We as a community has a responsibility to report those who aren't sincere and/or out to hurt nice people.

What he said. smiley
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

I just hope people find exactly who they want on here. Ive been on and off this site for 4 yrs and havent really found anything yet. But im not giving up anytime soon!
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

FlowerGoddess wrote:
I've never tried the chats on here. Are they easy to use and fun? This was actually my first forum post, I'm glad to see so many have such great views on the subject! I'm being serious when I say I'm really taking everyones advice and opinions into consideration for my search. Especially the part about not giving up! I've had some encounters on here just in the past week which have made me think about quitting lol, but I refuse to do so smiley

The chat here is fairly easy to use and fun, yup. smiley Some hours are noisier than others though, so if you want some more noise/quiet time, try at another hour if the current one isn't working out, haha.
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

If the men wan't you to lose weight in order to date you, then they aren't really into YOU. Men and women both should never get involved with a person then expect them to change. Either you like someone for who they are from the start, or don't bother. Trying to change someone, even if they do succumb to the change, will just casue resentment down the road.
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

I understand you FlowerGoddess when you talk about its so difficult to find someone that fits with the guidelines everyone have here, but if you're thinking about this problem, I have to add to this problem the distance and language (many few people want to talk with someone living sooooo far like I live.
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

FlowerGoddess wrote:
Yeah distance seems to be the big issue I've found. Or some people are totally misrepresenting themselves, but that's another story LOL.

I'm definitely enjoying myself more this time around! And connecting with much nicer people smiley

You are so lucky!
13 years

Finding the right guy on ff?

FlowerGoddess wrote:
It’s rough out there. We’re all so spread out that our pool becomes extremely small. We all have at least loose guidelines for what we’re looking for and sometimes when someone is relatively close they just don’t fall into those guidelines. Or we meet someone “perfect for us” but they live on the opposite coast, or another hemisphere. What are we to do?

I know the best advice I can give is to keep our heads up and keep looking. He’s out there. But it does become frustrating after a time.

I'm jumping in quite late, but I fully agree. And it's not just this site. Where I live, there are not many BBWs and there is no size acceptance at all. The few BBWs out there don't even know there are men who like big women. They don't accept their bodies and most of them are looking into WLS surgery...

But I keep hoping that one day I will find my match!
13 years
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