
Say something good about the..

Crap.... You has a pretty face and awesome sense of humor smiley
13 years

Say something good about the..

Warm and kind. smiley
13 years

Say something good about the..

Writes nice comments on my photos and is super cute in general smiley
13 years

Say something good about the..

Has a smoking hot body
13 years

Say something good about the..

Always see her forum posts and she seems very down to earth and clever
13 years

Say something good about the..

Obviously has the face of an angel
13 years

Say something good about the..

Seems super artistic and nice!!!!
13 years

Say something good about the..

Soooo good looking and also hell nice and funny and I want to live with him hehee.. he also has amazing stainless steel appliances
13 years

Say something good about the..

Is so tan and hot and I want this man to devour my body .... like for real
13 years

Say something good about the..

Has a super Sin City-esque avatar. I mean look at it, all black and white. But then WHAM out of nowhere! Red rose! I totally didn't see it comin'! Screamin' out of left field.

*please forgive me I'm a little sleep deprived*
13 years
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