
Harry potter?

*Sorting Hat is placed on his head, barely a moment passes before it cries...* GRYFFINDOR!!!

I think I'd be in Gryffindor, I don't really have a good reason...except for I don't really see how I fall into the description of the other houses. I don't have the kind of crazy book-smartness for Ravenclaw, I'm not very cunning or manipulative so I don't think I'm Slytherin.

Well actually to be honest it's probably a tie between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. I'm pretty loyal to my friends, I've never knowlingly betrayed anyone.
13 years

Harry potter?

I like to think id be in Ravenclaw but to be honest I probably wouldnt be there long enough to be placed before I get expelled hahah

Also can I just point out that althought I love the books and movies of Harry Potter, I actually cant stand the character Harry himself ... I clearly remember that ghost chick helping him out by telling him to put the egg underwater (that he would never have thought to do himself) and then asking if they could hang out and him just being like ' its the last thing id want to do' or something

like hello... she just helped you you little ungrateful pr*ck !!! hahaha
13 years

Harry potter?

and Strawberrie.. you can have Draco .. if I can have Lucius mmmmhmm what a man !
13 years

Harry potter?

I'd be in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. I just mesh so well into either one of those houses.

Only the sorting hat would know for sure. Oh and I am STILL waiting to receive my owl notifying me that I have gained entry into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

I know I'm from the US, but let's face it...our education system sucks.

Oh and in the final two HP films Ron looked really beefy and I do have a thing for red heads, lol.

So Layla and Strawberrie you can have the Malfoy's as long as you don't touch any of the Weasley's smiley
13 years

Harry potter?

I always thought i'd be in Ravenclaw, but i'd probably really be in Slytherin.
13 years

Harry potter?

I'm sorry Ariday, that's just not gonna happen. He's mine. Lol.

Wesley, I think number three is astronomy, not divination! smiley
13 years

Harry potter?

1. Name 3 members in the original Order of Pheonix. -James Potter, Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore

2. When did HP realize he was a Parstletongue? -I think it was at the end of Chamber of Secrets when he was talking to Tom Riddle

3. The study of the stars is called? Divination

4. What is the name of the Potions Master AFTER Snape leaves? Horace Slughhorn

5. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tottsie pop? 1...2...3.

And to answer your earlier question, I would say Gryffindor, I liken myself to Neville so it makes sense to me at least.
13 years

Harry potter?

Ariday wrote:
fatfiction wrote:
Oh and in the final two HP films Ron looked really beefy and I do have a thing for red heads, lol.

So Layla and Strawberrie you can have the Malfoy's as long as you don't touch any of the Weasley's smiley

Let's make a deal, you get the rest of the red heads, I get Ron. He's just yummy.

Thought I'd switch it up a bit and ask a few Harry Potter trivia questions:

1. Name 3 members in the original Order of Pheonix.

2. When did HP realize he was a Parstletongue?

3. The study of the stars is called?

4. What is the name of the Potions Master AFTER Snape leaves?

5. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tottsie pop?

1. Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Sirius Lee Black, and James Potter. *Now I just feel like showing my nerd...* Fabian and Gideon Prewett *Molly Weasleay's brothers who fell in the First War-it took 5 Death Eaters*, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody, Dorcas Meadowes *The only member to have been killed personally by Voldemort other than Lily and James Potter.*

2. That depends on whether you want his first conversation with snakes *when he released the Boa Constrictor in the zoo*, or when he learned what it was called *after the first and last meeting of Lockheart's Duel Club*.

3. Astronomy, which takes place at the top of the tallest tower of Hogwarts Castle.

4. Horus Slughorn, who had been the Potions Master before Severus Snape was hired. "Collector" of exceptional indivuduals and the epitome of the manipulative, yet benevolent, Slytherin.

5. *Artificially high pitched voice* Let's find out...One, a-two-hoo, thrrree.
13 years

Harry potter?

They receive their Hogwarts letter when they turn 11 years old. xD Too easy.
13 years

Harry potter?

Ariday wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
They receive their Hogwarts letter when they turn 11 years old. xD Too easy.

smiley You were supposed to ask a question... even Administrators don't read directions! smiley

OK, I'll do it: What is Fleur's wand made of?

I don't recall the wood right off the top of my head but the magical core is Veela hair.


What was the riddle that Luna Lovegood answered to gain entrance to the Ravenclaw Tower in Deathly Hallows?
13 years
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