
Growing fat fetish

Definitely. When I first saw this painting:

I thought she was beautiful but just a bit chubbier than I preferred.

I still think she's beautiful but now I think she needs to gain another 30 lbs at least.
12 years

Growing fat fetish

Yelp....I have seen this brought up many times in FA and weight gain forums but I never get bored of it because I can relate so well to it. Here the road I have been through!

My love and weight range on girls/women has grown over the years for sure.

I used to think when I was a teenager that a girl who was a bit chubby with a thicker butt and a slight belly and fuller arms and Boobs was my ideal.

Then in college I saw girls turn into women and was amazed at their rate of growth throughout the semesters. I loved not only to see the regular size beauties start to get plump but I found myself desiring the Pretty girls that were plump out of High school turn fat in college all the while they were sucking down beers at a feverish pace and watch them eating large volumes of food at 2am. I was hooked I now liked beuatiful Fatties that were only going to get fatter.

After college I was in awe by my Beautiful girlfriend who was already slightly fat who became quite fat when we moved in together. I was totally addicted to her and her Fat female form, soft and sexy to the touch and so appealing in its movements to my eyes. All the weight gain and fat talk that she did was a total fantasy come true.

Over the past several years I have found myself looking at beuatiful women up to the 500 Lb. range but it certainly depends on the look and body type. I have a hard time putting a weight on what my exact taste is but I can say that I love beautiful women with pear shaped figures, huge round breasts, fluffy huge upper arms, massive butts and love handles with a great fat lower belly and huge round thighs from (5' 2" - 5' 8"smiley & (200 Lbs.- 500 Lbs.) Thats not to say a bit lighter or even a lot heavier I wouldnt find sexy.

When I was younger I could never imagine liking or desiring a girl/woman who was to fat and now I find attractive and desire what most would consider totally obese and hugely fat!!! Fat is so sexy!!!
12 years

Growing fat fetish

I vary from the type you describe, 'skinny' with a pot belly, etc, to mid-upper 200s with moderate regularity. I liken it to female's cycles. "Hey, that kinda skinny girl with the muffin top is really hot...oh! Must be that time of the month for me. Better set up a date with my ssbbw friend for 3 weeks from now."
12 years

Growing fat fetish

I think the reason for a growing fat fetish, at least in some cases, is the preponderant cultural "thin" ideal. We've all be brought up to regard thin people as beautiful--even if our sexual preference is for bigger people.

For us any actual woman* is a compromise between a sexual ideal and an aesthetical ideal. So we are taught to prefer thinner women than we would in a different culture.

Now, it is possible to change one's aesthetic preferences. But it's impossible or nearly so to change sexual preference (lots of gay people have tried an failed at this!).

So as we expose ourselves over time to larger women or images thereof we gradually learn to prefer larger and larger women.

Make any sense?

*substitute gender of your choice throughout.
12 years

Growing fat fetish

as a kid i used to dreem of girls gaining weight then as i look at anime shows cartoon i had find myself wanting the girls in them to fat however it did not happen
12 years

Growing fat fetish

The hearty appitite thing has certainly been something I've always found attractive in a girl, whether she is slim, or fat. I never liked girls to pick at their food and leave loads of it, particularly if I took a girl out to a restaurant. I think this must have something to do with the primal instincts in us and being a provider.
12 years

Growing fat fetish

My preferences has growen over the years. As a teen I liked the curvy 120-140lbs girls. When I met my wife in college (latina-naturaly curvy)she was 120 and curves and has grown over the years to her current weight of 200-210lbs. I love it and prefer a larger women and wonder what she would look like at 240-250. As she got bigger so has my taste. I love how her belly has shaped over the years from a toned one to a soft double belly that hangs.
12 years

Growing fat fetish

i always want to see a anime like show that has only girls that only want to gain weight and get as fat as they want to are a game RPG that to win you make your avatar gain weight to 1,000 lbs yet there no anime no game like that
12 years