Extreme obesity

Circus fat ladies

I wish they still had circus fat ladies!

Would anyone on here take that gig?
12 years

Circus fat ladies

im down too haha
12 years

Circus fat ladies

I think it is more fun to go to the store and see a circus sized lady.
12 years

Circus fat ladies

LadyEjkua wrote:
Wow that's the most politically incorrect thing I've heard today. Aren't you grateful we have things like womans lib and naafa and stuff? smileysmileysmiley

Believe it or not I'm a feminist, but I've mostly (not completely!) given up on the terminological turnpikes. E.g., I remember when you couldn't call an 18-year-old woman a "girl" let alone a "chick".

And of course being "Dr. Feeder" puts me on a lot of incorrect lists! So I just try to express what I think as best I can.

Sorry if I offended anyone!
12 years

Circus fat ladies

Ninja Sammich wrote:
blank009 wrote:
A good show case for this community????

Yes because a circus side show freak won't at all make people think the rest of us are freaks.

12 years

Circus fat ladies

It is still true that individuals are growing fatter faster than society is. I believe the last poll showed a leveling off of obesity percentages, whereas the percent of those considered extremely obese increased.

So I believe it's fair to say that even if more people don't wind up fat, those of us that are fat will be larger.
11 years

Circus fat ladies

It seems that you used to have to go to a circus side show to see what you can see in your local WalMart. Tatooed ladies, bearded ladies, people over 500 pounds, etc.
9 years

Circus fat ladies

Anybody here watch american horror story!?!?! There was a scene where a circus fat lady was being fed by one of the main characters! <3
9 years

Circus fat ladies

i see episode 8 and 9 and i want a gf same to that hmmm
9 years