
Secret fa's

I agree I think there is a difference between not letting people see and know about you liking bigger guys or girls and not telling them about feederism.

and to be honest i dont even understand how guys could be embarassed, if people you know see you going out with a big girl theyre not going to assume you have a fat fetish theyre going to just think you fell in love with a big girl and i mean obesity rates are at their highest, heaps of people are fat so heaps of fat girls have boyfriends i really dont get why its such a big deal.

and the people i know like i take for example my older sister before she lost weight and was big, her boyfriend chris was good looking and thin and none of his friends ever said anything, because why would they it would be so rude and people over here just dont put up with that shit, maybe in high school but not in adulthood.

like why would these guys want to live their whole lives without the fat they crave just to make other people happy when the truth is other people dont really care that much ?
12 years

Secret fa's

I wanted to write down a giant story in the defense of all the young FA's still 'in the closet', but then again, I do not want to give them an excuse to stay inside.

This is good reading btw:

It took me a while to find my way out as well ... I think I was around 18 years old when I fell for a big girl and decided admitting it to the world was the only way for me to ever be happy. Best decision I have ever made in my life.

What bothers me is that there are hardly any girls out there that enjoy being big, or even accept it! I have honestly only once in my entire life met a big(ger) girl in real life that was open about the fact she was NOT unhappy with her weight, but even then, if she could snap her fingers and be skinny she'd do it in a heartbeat.
12 years

Secret fa's

Other people here have already said what I've often said before- feederism and weight gain is something for the bedroom like BDSM, but a fat partner is not.

It's alright to hide a fetish, but not a person. And it's very, very worth it to not hide anyone in the closet and openly be in the arms of someone you love and accepts you for exactly who you are, than be with people, even if they're the family who've raised you and been around you your whole life, who refuse to do the same for you. Remember that.

NyanMuffins wrote:
Chances are, if your parents love you, they won't make any horribly nasty comments about your partner. The same should apply to your friends, and anybody else who matters in your life.

This in particular. If they're intolerant about it, well, that's their problem, isn't it. Not your problem. Don't be afraid of them getting especially toxic- people usually aren't, and if they are, well, you still need to force your way anyway. Better than hiding like a coward all your life, you know? Make your own life, not the one they want to dictate to you.

You like what you like, and they can never take that away from you, either. They can't get inside your head and pull those feelings out. So no matter what you have to do... even if you'd rather it not be harsh... force your way. A shining El Dorado of the heart lies at the end of the path if you do. Nothing feels better than being yourself and being with the one you love. And you can bet it's damn well worth it.
12 years

Secret fa's

I've given this some more thought and to be honest I don't think the closet FA's are really the ones to 'blame', but the rest of the world is. The world hates fat people and therefore people who like fat people are weird. Sad but true ...
To many of us here, fat is a preference, like blondes or brunettes. To the rest of the world, fat is more like an orientation, like being gay (which is also unfortunately heavily frowned upon).

However I think the only way to break through this, is that every single FA will come out of the closet and every fatty starts being proud of him/herself and show it to the world. Then MAYBE, in time, things will get better ...
12 years

Secret fa's

I used to hide in shame but I can't be bothered anymore, I am a FA and I love it! smiley
12 years

Secret fa's

Kid A wrote:
I blame the "rest of the world" for planting that seed that FAs should be ashamed of liking fat bodies but I completely blame closeted FA for their own shame once they are past the age of 18 or there abouts.

I agree 100%!

Wannabe Princess wrote:
I honestly think that labels do not help - why cant people like what they like? if someone fancies a skinny person they arent called a Skinny Admirer, so why do we have the label "fat admirer"? It isn't needed! Like who you like and forget the rest of the world and its ideals!

Trust me, I hate these labels as much you do. Even the word (or abbreviation) 'FA' just sounds wrong ...

I hope one day liking big(ger) girls or boys is just as 'normal' and accepted as liking blondes or whatnot, because it IS just as normal.
12 years

Secret fa's

I would rather be dead than live a lie.
12 years

Secret fa's

I was kinda like this and still am with some people. They really aren't in my life a bunch so I don't see the need to tell them. Plus I'm still kind of exploring what I like about Feederism. Additionally, as I've said in other posts, I didn't really get into weight gain and Feederism until I was about 18ish. Before then I was more into breast and booty expansion opposed to total body weight gain.smiley

That being said, I have good deal of my friends and family know that I like curvy, thick and fat women.
12 years

Secret fa's

Very few people are naturally out of the closet about liking their size or their preference. It is part of the growing up process. As long as they're not confident enough, FAs better stay in the closet instead of having a secret fat girl. As an FA, you should only date a big girl if you are confident enough to present her to your family and friends.
12 years

Secret fa's

muffinmaid wrote:
I tried to make my fetish go away and I was repulsed by the idea of it, so much so that I think I started starving myself to remove or "protect" myself from being involved at all with my fetish. Kind of shutting it out and denying it, but that just made me hopelessly unhappy.
Fortunately through some trials & tribulations I grew past those icky fears and formed my own opinions about weight and how I view myself.

That's wonderful! Care to share any details on how you manage to "grow past those icky fears"?
12 years
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