
Fat fetish documentry

oooooo Im interested !! I wonder if this is the one with Jon Cahn, I was supposed to skype with him and answer some questions but i totally forgot whooops !
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

To bad we can't see it in the States.
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

oh it is that one !! how exciting !! I hope we dont get made out to look like a bunch of lunatics like every other show though hahaaa
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

rubyripples wrote:
Layla wrote:
oh it is that one !! how exciting !! I hope we dont get made out to look like a bunch of lunatics like every other show though hahaaa

I hope not either. He certainly didnt act in a very professional manner on this site, and seemed to want to talk to ANYONE about it. Not necessarily good ambassadors for it. Lets hope he didnt get a bunch of our guys that pose as fat women giving him their female opinions!
OMG!Do some men really do that...had NO idea!Idiots!
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

FluffyMcMittens wrote:
As good as it will be to get things out there and make this whole fetish less underworld and overlooked, this isnt going to be favourable to us. I highly doubt that the over all tone will be anything less than along the lines of "look at these strange people. arent they freaks?". It's just going to be millions of people watching at home thinking and talking about how disgusting we are.

But maybe I'm being just a tad cynical about it. Might turn out well... never know.
This is pretty much how I'm thinking,but let's see.Reenaye has seen some of it and is happy with the portrayal of her,but not happy with some of the programme.
At least it's a start and recognises that we existsmiley
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

didn't they have the Strangelove show too?

people in relationships with cars and stuff
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

I don't hold out on high hopes for this show. I'm sure all involved in interviews and being filmed have great intentions of portraying themselves as 'normal' people with a 'kink' in an effort to spread awareness, remove the stigma and taboo around this particular lifestyle as opposed to a fetish.

Deep down though,I feel this will simply be played to the viewing public as a freakshow.
Just go on Twitter and do a search on #mybigfatfetish and you will see the perhaps unsurprising result of "eeeew that made me do a bit of sick in my mouth".

People by in large (no pun intended) are influenced by the mass medias oppionion that fat is something to be scared of and revulsed by in equal measure.

This documentary is going to focus on feeding and gaining and as had been mentioned before in this thread, this is a small part of the fat positive community, but the media focus on it tars all fat admirers and fat people with that same brush. If you like fat girls/guys you are automatically a feeder. if you are fat, then you must be a feedeer or gainer.

From our perspective within the community, I'm sure all on the show will come accross well, offer a personal insight that we don't always see from web models as well perhaps. I think unlike my youth, the internet is there to affirm any feelings if attraction to fat people or desire to gain or feed, and I doubt this show will give any FAs or feeders still in the fridge tge positive support to come out.

I'll reserve final judgement till I've seen the show of course, but I can't help by think as a fat man married to a fat woman, will this show make people who see us think "theres a happy, comfortable couple" or "those 2 disgusting fatties making eachotgrt fatter and squashing each other"?

documentaries should be balanced and impartial and feel the subject matter will not allow objectivity from the audience.

12 years

Fat fetish documentry

bbwbeth wrote:
I'll reserve judgement until I've watched it.

But I will say this - whilst such programmes may do nothing for mainstreaming this attraction, it does wonders for those who have the attraction but are not involved in the FA community.

When I was a young fat girl feeling alone in, not only my fat-ness, but more especially my desire for someone to like it, play with it, enjoy me eating etc etc (and before internet prolification etc), I LOVED watching any kind of documentary which made me aware that there were other people like me out there and gave me a sight of their fat bodies.

I can still very clearly remember a 'Horizon' episode about Fat Models - it must have been about, god 20+ years ago - i videoed it and watching it was a secret pleasure for many years!
yeah,really agree with thissmiley
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

Well we haven't seen it yet, so it's impossible to give judgement now. However, looking at Kit's vlog it's possible that this could be better than the negative comments and fears have suggested.

I know that "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding" has mixed opinions amongst the Gypsy/Traveller community around where I live. On the whole most found it a bit cheesy to begin with, but warmed to it a bit after a while. As essentailly it is a fair dipiction of their lives. If the same respect is given to the this documentary then I feel there wouldn't be too much to worry about.
12 years

Fat fetish documentry

Dan wrote:
I'm going to be watching this on 4od on the 22nd. I can try and screen capture it while I watch it and upload it to a streaming site available outside the UK, Putlocker, or No promises, but I'll do my best.

I think a lot of us will definitely appreciate that!
12 years
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