
Big brother 2012

I am so sad that I am still watching! BB is the highlight of my summer every year... that is how unbelievably lame I am.

Becky's doing an awesome job of making fat chicks look hot and sassy - she's so pretty & I love her wardrobe. Probably the tide is turning against her now on grounds of bitchiness though. It do like how she occasionally mentions wanting to eat as many calories as possible and doesn't give a sh1t about not being slim. Although she's maybe not as confident as she likes to portray given how upset she got at having to wear camouflage combats for that task. But did you see her in the tight jeans she had to wear for the paintball-up-the-bottom task? She looked hot in them!

Don't know who I want to win. They're all ghastly. Possibly Luke A or Adam on the basis they appear to have more than one brain cell, but Luke A does tend to moan a lot, and I suspect Adam of being a sex pest. And those muscly blokes need to Put.It.Away. Really. I have had enough of their nauseating vanity.

I met Jonty (from a BB series yonks ago) the other day. He's bonkers, fyi.
12 years

Big brother 2012

There's a Big Brother this year?

Lol, no I kid, I know there is one, I just don't care! smiley

Seriously, they should have just let it die when Channel 4 ended it.
12 years

Big brother 2012

salt wrote:
foxglove wrote:

I met Jonty (from a BB series yonks ago) the other day. He's bonkers, fyi.

I used to work with Jonty before he went into the BB house, so imagine my surprise when I saw him on telly!!! He was quiet and quite socially akward whenever I saw him at work.

No way!! haha that's a spooky coincidence. He told me he now runs something called Jonty's Walks apparently, as an official Westminster Guide.

salt wrote:

I wanted Lauren to win but now she's gone, probably Luke A or Adam.

Argh! I don't get why people like her! OMG she was such a p***ktease! I know Adam should have known better, but she totally led him on when she had no intention of anything happening. She is one of those girls who spends time only with boys because she needs them all to fancy her for her own self-validation. She claims "girls don't like me" but does she actually ever attempt to forge a relationship or friendship with a girl? Nope. She has no interest in investing in a friendship with a girl because they are no currency to her; she only wants the attention of boys. She hogs the attention and lust of the boys even though she doesn't want to have romantic involvement with them. When their attention appears to waver she does a split-legs handstand in front of them, fully knowing the effect she's having (did you SEE the smug smile on her face as she walked off after that?!). No wonder girls have trouble getting on with her; she won't talk to them (pointless for her, there's nothing in it for her). She was rejected by the rest of the housemates so she had no option to sit all day with Adam and Luke A, and then cynically flirted to get acceptance from them. She's even had Luke A confess that he'd fancy her if he weren't married. She doesn't know how to relate to another human if it isn't based on them having sexual attraction for her. Oh, and then she pretends she didn't know Adam fancied her. Yeah, right Lauren, 'cos you always cuddle up with/spoon with/bite playfully/tell them you adore them/do handstands with your crotch out in front of/get in bed with your best mate when you're "one of the lads". So she's a liar as well as a tease!

Rant over.

That just goes to show that I have NO LIFE. I can't believe I've given her character this much thought....

*goes off to kill herself*
12 years

Big brother 2012

Salt, I agree with you about Becky to an extent that she's quite one-dimensional and loving food/going on about food is sort of her gimmick. Bit of a one-trick pony. But on the other hand, isn't it refreshing to see a fat woman on prime time telly (yeah I know only about 10 people watch it now, haha but even so) being upfront about liking food? We are so inured to the fact that a fat person should be apologetic about loving eating that I'm finding her uncompromising attitude quite refreshing.

And yeah I kinda felt sorry for Lauren at the beginning too. Then stupidly I thought it was quite sweet when she and Adam started flirting cos it was d'awww. But then I lost patience with her when it became clear she wasn't interested but carried on encouraging him.

Oh and claiming she's a tomboy whilst having expensively highlit blonde hair tonged into perfect waves, wearing a ton of makeup, a bodycon sparkly sheath of a dress and vertiginous platform stillettos? Yeah real tomboy.

Although why do I even care? Haha I always try to intellectualise this show as a great experiment into observation of human nature but really I'm just trying to excuse my own lame fascination with watching car crash telly...
12 years

Big brother 2012

Speaking of which, who do we want evicted? There's 8 people up this week!
12 years

Big brother 2012

I will only watch big brother if im promised there will be fun with electric toothbrushes
12 years

Big brother 2012

rubyripples wrote:
i don't know how much more of that foghorn leghorn voice coming from that tiny body I could cope with.

I think Conor has anger (steroid?) issues. I've been shocked at his anger at times, and how angry and full on he's been with some females in the house. I think he looks the most desperate to win.

The Luke that fancies himself, all I can say is.. UGH. That vapid Ashleigh deserves whatever she gets.

I think Caroline is utterly monstrous. An unattractive person can be very attractive with a good personality but she is 100% ugly. As someone already said, she keeps crying and apologising to big brother, then going back and doing exactly the same. I get the impression she's gone to some ultra bitchy posh girls' boarding school where it's survival of the fittest. She is a horrible snob too. She needs to go. I do agree that she has a bearing on who is nominated each week, though I honestly don't think she even realises it fully.

I do think it was odd though that BB has called Caroline in about her "bullying", when that awful Shievonne (seriously that spelling...) was the worst intimidator in the house. When she "worked out" that Deana had nominated her, the way she confronted and then picked and picked at Deana was horrendous and should have been stopped. I couldn't believe how well Deana handled it. I actually did want to stab Shievonne and I did vote that one week. She looked like Minnie Mouse in that eviction outfit and I did have a laugh at the sheer shock on her face when she was evicted, she really didn't think that would happen. smiley

I was very sad that Becky got into the bitching last week, she'd been great up til then. However, I think it might have been a temporary blip and I'm hoping to see her come back out of it. At least none of hers was vicious. I love her bubbliness, her clothes, her make up and just.. her. People need to remember that she's only nineteen years old. I think she's doing great for a girl of that age.

Sara I think is now playing a good game. She is turning herself into some respectful model citizen and i think she might end up in the running for winner.

Deana I like better than I have done. She certainly isn't playing the pampered indian princess with servants that she was portraying herself as on the audition tapes.

I havent much enjoyed BB this year as it's just been the nastiest, bitchiest house ever. I think i've just watched it out of habit. I clutch at straws of entertainment from it now lol. eg Luke A? (the f 2 m one) blushing betroot red at least once per day, I think thats quite cute. And Becky horsing around like when she was dressed for the Good, the Bad and the Very Ugly task, pouncing on Scott and kissing him.

I'd def like to see Becky win. I wouldnt like muscly Luke, Conor or Adam to win, as theyre desperate to. smiley

And I totally agree with everything you say, Ruby! Haha I'm glad your post was long because a. it was fascinating and b. it makes me feel less of a saddo for mine!

LOL @ Lauren's Foghorn Leghorn voice!

Although I agree Caroline is a snob ("I wouldn't look down on someone for saying "toilet", "pardon" or "lounge" or for shovelling food with my fork like I'm digging a hole in the garden, I just wouldn't do it myself" hahahaha) and that she's probably the product of a super-bitchy boarding school where she had to adapt to survive, I also LAUGH MY HEAD OFF at her on a regular basis. I've paused and re-wound the scenes where she gets hysterical over putting her hand in a box of goo, or eating something gross, over and over again because her hysteria is just incredible! Oh and I have to admit to crying with laughter at her "Oh Big Brother I'm so *hic, sob* I'm really really really really sorry *sob*, I never meant to make anyone feel awful *sob* I'll never do it again" speeches. She's hilarious! So insincere and patently only sorry because it might mean people don't like her (rather than sorry for her victims). I do think she suffers chronic self esteem issues though which are probably at the root of all this. She could also do with some decent conditioner to tame her mad frizz... So whilst she is ghastly I do find her incredibly entertaining.

Agree about Deana - I didn't like her princessy vibe at first but actually in a conflict she's pretty good, rises above it (for the most part anyway). Although I did laugh out loud at her "prayer" last night (to help them win out on nominations, or as she put it, to help the soldiers win the battle) and at Adam's addition (dear God, please forgive Deana for her selfish prayer) haha.

Someone please prick Luke S's balloon, he is so vile. Whilst I agree that Ashleigh is utterly vapid (such a good word to describe her!), I feel sorry for her. I can't wait for her to wake up and smell the coffee when she eventually sees the footage of Luke S telling the fake publicity agent that he's really not that into her, although it will be upsetting for her.

Another long post.

12 years

Big brother 2012

Argh, Caroline, you are SO going to regret taking that "I don't care" attitude when you reflect on it! I get the feeling she's got a bunch of issues and is using brazenness as armour. She really appears to have no insight into her behaviour. On the one hand she says she never intended to hurt or upset anyone, but on the other hand she says she has no redeeming features and is outspoken and blunt and rude. Why can't she see that the latter traits cause people to be upset and therefore she should try to change? For a moment I felt sorry for her parents watching her behave like a spoiled brat but then I remembered that she must be how she is for a reason.

I disagree with her that she has no redeeming features. She is funny and exuberant (at times). She just needs to grow up and realise that there are consequences to what you say and do that don't just reflect badly on yourself, they hurt and annoy other people. Grrr someone sit her down and have a serious word.

I almost wish hideous Luke S had been evicted instead of her. At least she was entertaining. He's just VILE.
12 years

Big brother 2012

Grrr! Despite being evicted, Lauren is STILL annoying me on BBBOTS (the dinner party feature with surprisingly amusing Shievonne (sp?), pointless Arron, Caroline & Lauren) by making out she was unjustly bullied by Caroline and demanding to know why, all the time looking really smug, superior and sanctimonious. Lauren love, they didn't like you because you're vile! I almost feel sorry for Caroline.
12 years

Big brother 2012

Who do you want to win? I see Deana is currently the bookies' favourite.
12 years
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