
My huge belly

i think your belly is absolutely adorable.Iwould very much like to know what it feels like to have such a bag of lard hanging in front of you.I am getting a little fat myself,but my belly dont hang very much ,yet.I have tried padding vith pillows but the real thing must be better
18 years

My huge belly

hi tffany,just one more time i must give you my compliments for your great big belly.In a way one could say that you are a scientist,exploring the power of graviation.Iam sure graviation has got a firm grip in your massive blubber belly dragging it down so it will not wobble too much.Wondering what would happen if you went to the moon
18 years

My huge belly, you look great keep up the good work. Whats your short term goal? And which one of you, your husband or you, is the feeder? and just one more thing keep going you are definately an inspiration to us all!!
18 years

My huge belly

wow, i love your belly! it looks soo soft!! :3
17 years