Lifestyle tips

Chub rub aka thigh chafing

I haven't tried these yet but happened to be looking for something like that myself. These links might help:

Might try the Lanacane. Until then it's dresses with leggings!
12 years

Chub rub aka thigh chafing

I don't know why it took me so long to get round to buying some of the Lanacane anti-chafing gel but eventually I did this week.

I think it was because of the heatwave - wearing the extra layer of leggings or tights was just unbearable.

I am thrilled to report the Lanacane did the job! I went out tonight with bare legs in a dress and survived! Even the 15-minute walk to get home (after the gel had been on for 8 hours without a reapplication) was completely comfortable.

It's so weird, I haven't been out with bare legs and a dress/skirt for about 20 years!! I think I tried it once about 10 years ago to see if it was still impossible and was in agony after about half an hour, and never bothered again. I feel like I've been granted a whole other wardrobe option now!

It did obviously involve a good half hour of leg buffing/smoothing/de-fuzzing/moisturising/fake tanning beforehand though...

BTW all Boots stores seem to have sold out of Lanacane anti-chafing gel (although they still have the Lanacane powder and cream, but those seemed to be for slightly different problems). Obviously all the other fatties got there first and snapped it all up at the start of the heatwave. I got the gel online from Amazon.
11 years

Chub rub aka thigh chafing

I don't know why it took me so long to get round to buying some of the Lanacane anti-chafing gel but eventually I did this week.

I think it was because of the heatwave - wearing the extra layer of leggings or tights was just unbearable.

I am thrilled to report the Lanacane did the job! I went out tonight with bare legs in a dress and survived! Even the 15-minute walk to get home (after the gel had been on for 8 hours without a reapplication) was completely comfortable.

It's so weird, I haven't been out with bare legs and a dress/skirt for about 20 years!! I think I tried it once about 10 years ago to see if it was still impossible and was in agony after about half an hour, and never bothered again. I feel like I've been granted a whole other wardrobe option now!

It did obviously involve a good half hour of leg buffing/smoothing/de-fuzzing/moisturising/fake tanning beforehand though...

BTW all Boots stores seem to have sold out of Lanacane anti-chafing gel (although they still have the Lanacane powder and cream, but those seemed to be for slightly different problems). Obviously all the other fatties got there first and snapped it all up at the start of the heatwave. I got the gel online from Amazon.
11 years

Chub rub aka thigh chafing

Try sudocrem, it fixes the chafing a bit while healing the skin.

Good luck
10 years