Submission and domination

Sweaty piggies who sweat.

I prefer to call it a "persperation issue" than a "sweating problem" lol

just a better spin on it
12 years

Sweaty piggies who sweat.

I get so hot and sweaty, and find breathing hard and it takes ages for me to calm down and cool off. I can't really see how this effect of obesity can be attractive to FAs.

Ah but that's exactly how. Seeing the object of your desire hot and sweaty and breathing hard, so hard they can't cool down for ages, gives you a much desired preview of what they'll look like in the bedroom exhausting themselves with pleasure.

This is why normals are attracted to people they meet working out at the gym or dancing at the club, it takes a lot of physical activity to get that sexy preview of what thin folk look like panting and sweating.

But with a fatty, it's so easy to make them pant and sweat, every time they walk up a few stairs they look and sound like they just had hot sweaty sex in the stairwell and haven't caught their breath after being ravished.
9 years