
Stretch marks on men

i'm covered in them. they're on my arms, my belly, my love handles, and all over my thighs.

i used to not like them, but they've grown on me. nothing says "you've gained weight" like stretch marks.
11 years

Stretch marks on men

I'm crisscrossed with them. I'm mostly indifferent to them, as they're just a symptom of the thing that I actually like, the chub.

But I guess if pressed I would say I like them.
11 years

Stretch marks on men

I'm not fond of them on myself and luckily I dont have any. On women I dont mind them at all, but I'm not particularly attracted to them either.
11 years

Stretch marks on men

NeptuneFA13 wrote:
I'm not fond of them on myself and luckily I dont have any. On women I dont mind them at all, but I'm not particularly attracted to them either.

Funny how this thread gets bumped and I re-read one of my old posts. I have quite a few stretch marks now (I gained over 50 pounds) and although I was unsure about them at first, I've grown (no pun intended) to like them smiley. Same for women!
10 years

Stretch marks on men

As a girl, I think stretch marks on guys are absolutely gorgeous. My boyfriend has quite a few: thin silvery lines radiating out from the navel, angry red streaks across his inner thighs.
10 years

Stretch marks on men

I really don't care for stretch marks on either myself or my wife. I am gaining but trying keep myself under control as to not gain to fast and get the "marks". I do have a flew from my college weight lifting days and some on my thighs. My wife has a lot from pregnancy and weight gain.
10 years

Stretch marks on men

I like them, they go with the territory. smiley
10 years

Stretch marks on men

Oliver Hardy wrote:
I love my stretchmarks, they remind me of the piggy I am smiley

Somehow though, it's a strange fenomena. I have quite some faded stretchies on my belly and hips from previous gaining times. Lately I've been regaining some of my lost fat and what happens ? I'm rewarded with new stretchmarks. Somehow I'm curious because my skin should have enough growing space since I'm still at least 50 pounds away from my former all time high. They haven't appeared on my belly yet, but on my lovehandles/hips new and way wider stretchies show my recent gluttony. I estimate them at least 5 times wider than my original stretchmarks. And they are already quite long. Maybe it's a result of gaining 30 pounds over the past 6 weeks ?

Anyway I intend to make them even bigger, wider and longer over the next months !

Oliver, can you share your secret to gaining 30 lbs in 6 weeks? That sounds very hot and wow is definitely end up with stretchmarks if i can gain like that...
9 years

Stretch marks on men

I also picked up more than a few stretch marks when I was young, mostly on my inner thighs, belly, inner arms, and love handles. Most have faded over the years, and they freaked me out at first, but I've come to like them over the years.

My wife seems fairly indifferent - she doesn't seem to mind them (and I figure after 13 years, she'd have said something either way,) nor does she seem to particularly enjoy them.
9 years

Stretch marks on men

It also depends on your skin type. Some people are just more susceptible to marks than others. They do say its a lack of B Vitamins that contributes to them showing up, though it is more to do with your skin type.

I've gotten them if I gained a few pounds- belly, hips. I even got them while working out- arms. Noticing how easily I got them, I got to the point that I didn't care any more. They are just a part of me.
9 years
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