Extreme obesity

Question about pauline potter

why was she listed by guinness as the heaviest woman in the world, while there are plenty women heavier?
11 years

Question about pauline potter

maybe no one else wanted to put themselves forward
11 years

Question about pauline potter

Loveembig Redux wrote:
curVy wrote:
That is correct. Her interview is on You tube and she says she needed help to lose weight so the media exposure was worth it and the negative feedback from some fat fobics would be worth it to get some help.
it also went on to say when her Ex husband heard about it he was back in contact and wanting to resume their relationship.

It's also reported that her ex is back with her and she has lost a lot of weight thru marathon sexual activity with him. So how much of anything we can believe surrounding the media reports of this woman I believe is a matter of some debate.

I don't know where that is reported, but I do know that she's said herself in posts that the reason for her seeking out Guinness was what's stated here and I believe also that her ex had been in touch with her.
11 years