
Wg fantasy hypotheticals

These ideas are kind of out there, but I'm kind of curious how the gainers/feedees would react to a couple of "fantasy" scenarios if they came to realization.

1: You're presented with a package of 200 M&Ms. Each M&M will make you gain 5 pounds. There are no other negative effects from the M&Ms, just the weight gain. Gain would be mostly fat, but perhaps some a bit of muscle to support your extra pounds. You can take as many as you want at your leisure.

Again, the only worry you would have over taking these is 1) explaining a sudden weight gain and dealing with the reactions and 2) fitting into your clothes!

The weight gain would begin instantly, and take 30s - 5minutes depending on how many M&Ms you ate. This would allow you to watch yourself fatten up right before your very eyes.

If worried about where you would gain the weight, I'll add in this clause: you can selectively gain weight in areas by rubbing them with your palms as you begin to swell up.

Weight gain is not temporary, and can only be undo through regular means (diet and exercise). What would you do with them? Take one every so often? Take several at once?

2) Same scenario, except you have an endless supply of the M&Ms and the weight gain is temporary. At any given time, you can undo your weight gain by something simple such as pinching your nose. There would be no adverse effects to this, no loose skin or stretch marks. How would you handle this situation?
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

Me personally, in situation #1, I'd probably take one at first, then one a couple of weeks later - and eventually stop after gaining 30-40 lbs... unless I decided I wanted to be bigger than that...

In situation #2, I'd be a lot more creative. I'd routinely swell up to higher weights, and do all kinds of crazy stuff. I'd get on the subway at a weight sufficent enough that I need to take up two full seats, then down about 30 M&Ms, and gain about 150 pounds in a couple of minutes. I'd act annoyed and rush off the train muttering "I can't believe it happened again..."

I'd basically go for reactions.

I'd show up to my job as a client, weighing about 500lbs... just to see their faces. I mean, my face would be pretty much the same. Then I show up for work the next day 350 lbs lighter - and get asked over and over if I have an incredibly fat twin. I act confused and say no.

I'd show up to buffets, spend the day eating and popping an M&M into my mouth every few minutes.

Additionally, no matter what my normal weight was, I'd spend most of my alone time much fatter than I really am. smiley
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

I love the idea of gaining huge amounts of weight and then losing it. Also the ability to direct where you want the pound/girth to go is fantastic too.

Ned Foc
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

I really really like scenario one. I'd eat a lot of them at once.. :x
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

In situation 1...I'd probably eat like forty in one go. Because I have no self control. Then I'd have to hide the rest to keep from eating all of them and ending up a several thousand pound blob.

In situation 2 however, I think I'd do pretty much the same as you Egg. I'd buy some extremely baggy clothes and walk around eating them in a crowded area to watch peoples reactions as I blimped up enormously.
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

Scenario One, I'd probably eat four of them immediately and space another 4-6 over the next few months.

Then I'd hold onto a bunch of them just in case I lost any, or in case I wanted even more poundage.
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

Number 2 would be my ultimate fantasy (or any other way to have temporary weightgain of any amount)

I'd play around with it a bit, but in general it would just me being much fatter whenever I had the privacy to enjoy it.
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

FemaleFatAdmirer wrote:
I would use the temporary weight gain M&Ms to fatten myself to about 400 pounds. I'd take lots of photos and put up a profile on and mention that I'm trying to lose weight.

Whenever I'd go on a first date with someone who has seen my profile, I would see whether my date looked excited or disappointed when he sees that I only weigh 195. I'll say I've had a huge weight loss, but I may be gaining it back because I'm losing my willpower.

If he looks like he might be secretly excited about my potential to re-gain the weight, and if I like him after getting to know him over dinner, I will pop 5 temporary M&Ms in my mouth after dinner and rub my belly, saying "oh I think I overdid it."

He'll get to see 25 pounds added to my belly within 30 seconds to 5 minutes, in public. My pants will be unbuttoned and my shirt will be incredibly tight across the midsection and riding up. If he's not a FA, he'll be shocked and disgusted. If he's an FA or mutual gainer, he'll be amazed and aroused and eager to offer bellyrubs and more.

If he likes what he saw, I would explain about the M&Ms, and would quickly pinch my nose to undo the gain and prove to him that it's temporary. I would take him back to my place, and would share my unlimited supply of temporary M&Ms with him.

We would each pop one at a time, at the same time, like doing shots. Then we would rub the parts of each other that we want to grow. It would be like sculpting the fat lover of our dreams, with bulges and blubber exactly as big and in exactly the places where we love to touch. When we both have gotten so huge that we're afraid it might become impossible if we get any bigger, that's when the foreplay will end...

though you've not thought about it much smiley
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

I like your idea Female Fat Admirer
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

Scenario 1 is a though call. I would eat some to gain about 50 or so pounds in few months and see what is like. Then go from there.

In scenario 2 would eat until I weighed 1000 pounds or more over the course or a day just to see what it's like at all those weights! And I would probably repeat that many many times!
11 years
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