
A 'shake' stuffing experiment

On the one hand, I’ve been hovering near my highest ever weight, and would like to push through to solidly set a new personal high this weekend (after which I’ll drop a bit). On the other hand, I’m working on a story that includes some deliberate rapid weight gain that I want to be a realistic as possible. On the third hand, I’ve read some claims from people, and read in stories by others, about people consuming some pretty crazy weight gain drinks in large quantities, and I wondered if these could be real.

So yesterday I decided to do an experiment. In the morning I picked up a box of chocolate cake mix and half a litre (just over an American pint) of half-and-half (10% fat cream). I mixed in maybe a fifth of the cake mix with the cream, and drank it. My findings were that:
1) It was amazingly delicious!
2) Although I’d had breakfast only an hour before, it went down very easily.
3) Afterwards I felt a bit of a sugar buzz.

Overall, that little bomb of around 800 calories wasn’t too bad.

Then in the evening, about an hour after a full supper, I mixed over half the cake mix with a litre of heavy cream (18% fat), and drank that (I didn’t have an appropriate container to mix it all at once, so actually made up three large glasses sequentially). My findings were that:
1) Still delicious. Even the third glass was pleasant to drink.
2) Again it went down pretty easily. Probably best not to have dragged out the process, because afterwards my body objected heavily to the mere thought of food, but I think it was reacting to the sugar and fat, not physical fullness (I felt only a little bloated)
3) I felt weird and off for the rest of the evening. Sugar rush and crash was no doubt part of it, but I think my body was also confused by the sudden infusion of ridiculous amounts of sugar and fat.
4) I felt like I was exuding chocolate, and even this morning my burps tasted of chocolate cake mix to me.
5) I had weird dreams all night, probably from the heaviness in my digestive system.
6) This morning I still felt revulsion at the thought of anything remotely high in fat or sugar (it was raisin bran with skim milk for breakfast, and a low fat bran muffin for snack, lol!)

This calorie bomb was more like 3000 calories! I’m not generally a big consumer of sweets, so I may be more sensitive to sugar than a lot of other people, I think someone who more often consumes big hits of sugar would probably be more comfortable with the resulting ride than I was. The chocolate after effects could have been my imagination, and were anyway not severe enough that they’d be a real issue for most people.

Doing it earlier in the day would give more time to digest before bed, but might also make it hard to then eat a substantial supper? Of course, it is also possible that with practice you’d get used to being loaded with fat and sugar as you slept, and wouldn’t be bothered as much.

Being disinclined to eat rich food this morning could be overcome with discipline, I imagine. If I was trying to pack on serious weight I’m pretty sure I could have followed my cereal with what I had yesterday morning—I wouldn’t have looked forward to it, but I’m sure I could have managed it.

Overall, yah, doing a full litre of heavy cream mixed with cake mix—or other high calorie mix—seems entirely realistic. I could imagine someone doing it daily if they were really trying to pack on the pounds, but I think it would take discipline to keep doing that and eating heartily the rest of the day. Mind you, using half-and-half instead of heavy cream, or doing half a litre twice a day, would probably make it much easier to blend in with also eating ‘normally’ (for a gainer!).
11 years

A 'shake' stuffing experiment

As a pretty hard-core gainer I can safely tell you that eating when you start feeling that "" sensation actually helps. It also stops the "chocolate burps". I've had sugar-hangover a few times and sometimes eating savories when feeling that can lessen the discomfort some.
11 years

A 'shake' stuffing experiment

hehe interesting decription ^^

Nad yes i drank about 2 litre of ilkshake this weekend about 600ml whole cream mixed with vanilla icecream and some milk 3,5 % fat adding some vanilla sugar , too

it was deliscious and very filing ...
i felt like it was getting even more being in my belly and it was really hard to eat something substantial afterwards .
Doing that at least one day i can´t really eat so much but nevertheless it´s such trun on to think doing that at last every 2 days to realize some substantial and feelable gain after this week ^^
11 years

A 'shake' stuffing experiment

Good to hear from a pro, Omi Guno! I'm done with my gaining jag for now ( .....I think) but I'll keep that in mind if I try it again

And Otherland, I think part of the key might be to do it in the evening (so have all night to digest), and to have an eating plan for the next day, so that even if you aren't all that hungry you still pack in the calories?
11 years