
Getting paid to get fat

This is a fantasy I've been thinking about a lot lately.

Like, a feeder/encourager pays a feedee for every five-pound goal. It could be in real life, or just online. In exchange, s/he shows the feeder the gain, takes measurements, etc. Maybe s/he even gets paid for extra things like tube-feeding.

I think I like it because of the power aspect of it-- usually, the person who has money to pay for a "service" is the one with the power (a diner paying a waiter/waitress, even a client paying a prostitute). It would be super hot (I know this is unethical, just saying, only a fantasy!) if she wasn't exactly willing, or didn't really want to gain weight but really needed the money.

Does anyone else have this fantasy?
11 years

Getting paid to get fat

I have often thought it would make a great Powerball lottery winner Weight Gain fiction story .
And as motivation tool the monetary amounts would increase as the scale climbs.
For instance: Initial gain is 20 lbs with 25% paid at10 lbs t and the remainder at completion. $125 dollars per lb $2500 at which point some might elect to stop.
Second increment also 20 lbs same payment system of 25% /75% $150 Per lb and a $25 bonus per lb if accomplished in 6 weeks . $50 if acheived in 30 days. Same for the first 20 lbs as well.
So potentially a shape-changing 40 lbs gained in 60 days and a formerly slim and fit woman who is anywhere from $5500 to $7500 richer depending on dedication and gaining ability and speed of Gaining.
To keep her growing the stakes would have to increase enough for"just one more time" .Too much money to leave on the table to quit now that she's already begun to get fat and accustomed to eating anything she wants.
Next 20 lbs is $250 with a $50 per lb bonus for 6 weeks. $100 per lb for 30 days. So she will earn $5000 minimum. Or $6000 or $7500 !
The Next 20 would be maybe $350 $400 and $450 depending on rate of gain.
And Then! To get to 100 lbs gained. $500 per lb. No speed bonus this time. Just has to be 90 days or less. $10000 dollars. AND a $10000 bonus for 100 lbs gained! From here to as much as she wants to continue its $750 per lb paid after every 15 lbs gained at any speed. $11250 for"Just a little 15 more lbs. "
$5000 bonus when her original weight is doubled. $15000 bonus for gaining 200 lbs.
Every lb after 200 is 1000 per paid after"just ten more" . $5000 bonus for triple original weight. And $20000 for gaining 300 lbs.
Etc Etc Etc
It would have to be a big Powerball winner but it is possible. At least in Fantasy.
11 years

Getting paid to get fat

I've often thought about this. But it's not one of my most frequent fantasies. My most frequent ones involve magic and very rapid weight gain.
11 years

Getting paid to get fat

I have thought about writng a story based on the TV reality series "Survivor". But my twist would be females only and all the challenges would be eating based. Only the fattest survive!

Ned Fox
11 years

Getting paid to get fat

My idea has always been for a "Win your weight in gold" competition where the winner literarly gets weighed and is awarded their exact weight in gold.

I imagine it would be linked to some sort of food product like a chocolate bar, you need to find the wrapper that says winner or something to win.

Of course to find the wrapper, you'd need to eat alot of chocolate, but people wouldn't mind, in fact they'd want to eat alot because they know the more the eat and the more weight they gain the larger the prize they win in the end. smiley

Oh I wish I could write out my stories, they don't deserve to remain locked in my head...
11 years

Getting paid to get fat

There's the Tammy Jung method.
11 years

Getting paid to get fat

In the Dimensions Weight Room there is an old story called"Before and After" by B J Morris.
A slender model signs an 18 month contract to be photographed for a diet ad. She must then gain weight to be photographed as the"before" model. Very good story.
11 years

Getting paid to get fat

Jazzman wrote:
In the Dimensions Weight Room there is an old story called"Before and After" by B J Morris.
A slender model signs an 18 month contract to be photographed for a diet ad. She must then gain weight to be photographed as the"before" model. Very good story.

That sounds awesome!

I had an idea once for a guy doing an ad for new supersized options for Maccas or something, they'd take shots of him normal as the regular size and then he'd have to work to become like a sumo wrestler so they could take shots of him as supersized. Much fun to be had, alas, another story I never wrote.
11 years

Getting paid to get fat

Jazzman wrote:
In the Dimensions Weight Room there is an old story called"Before and After" by B J Morris.
A slender model signs an 18 month contract to be photographed for a diet ad. She must then gain weight to be photographed as the"before" model. Very good story.
Without doubt this is my favourite story, read it more than any other, though I did come accross it ages ago.
11 years

Getting paid to get fat

Where does one sign up for such a great job? hehe
9 years
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