I'm a really big nerd. Like, extremely big video game nerd and I'd love to have people to play with...
Games I currently that that are multiplayer: 1. Awesomenauts 2. League of Legends. 3. The MIghty Quest for Epic Loot 4. Marvel Heroes 5. Battlefield Heroes
Other games I play that are multiplayer: 1. Team Fortress 2. Starcraft 2 3. Counter Strike (all of them) 4. Champions Online 5. Graal 6. Orcs Must Die 1 and 2 7. Natural Selection 8. Dungeonland 9. Defiance
Half Life. It's one of many games that passed me by when it originally came out, but bought as part of the last Steam summer sale (through which I probably now have enough for the rest of the year, old games and new). After that it'll probably be Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs ('cos, y'know, sleeping is overrated)
okapi wrote: Been playing Final Fantasy VII lately. Even though the graphics are horribly dated, and the writing is at times just awful, the story and characters still hold up, I think.
So yeah, currently working my way through Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs. Perhaps not quite as pant-wettingly, bum-shittingly scary as The Dark Descent, but it's doing the job and is consistently very creepy (and Jessica Curry's musical score is about as excellent as I expected it to be)