Extreme obesity

No more risks?

I think immobility sounds great. Then again, I wouldn't need the medicine because I don't mind the idea of health problems as it shows the increased size, but I think maybe at some point I would if my body was shutting down bad enough. Unpopular opinion.
10 years

No more risks?

Elanor wrote:
Where do I sign up to be a Guinea Pig?

Sign me up too! Just shy of immobility sounds perfect.
10 years

No more risks?

I go for "just able to still shuffle around a bit". So maybe like 950-1000 pounds smiley. I'd be ecstatic to see a drug like that come out.
10 years

No more risks?

If a drug like that existed, I would push myself to be as fat as I can be. Mobility is not really a concern as mobility has always been hard for me and their are ways to cope
10 years

No more risks?

protgans wrote:
If you want to be unmobile you are just an idiot. And if you want that please that person needs help..

That's enough of that, it's not the site for it. This isn't a vanilla FA site, it involves fantasies and fetishes alike. You don't have to like the concept of immobility (and you're not being forced to like it or take part in it), but you don't have to say anything about it either.
10 years

No more risks?

If no health risks means my legs, knees and feet would not hurt, and I wouldn't be low on energy, my blood pressure would not go up and I would no longer have sleep apnea, then I would love to gain another 100 lbs. and reach 400. However, I do like to travel and right now I can just fit into airline coach seats with a seat belt extender. Another 100 lbs. though and I would not be able to fly anywhere without buying two seats or always flying first class which would be mighty expensive, so I will have to be happy remaining at 300 lbs.
10 years

No more risks?

OniGumo wrote:
I go for "just able to still shuffle around a bit". So maybe like 950-1000 pounds smiley. I'd be ecstatic to see a drug like that come out.

I'd probably want to be the same on the mobility part - able to move around, but with difficulty.

But I think I'd probably want to weigh a bit less. My max ideal number would be 900 lbs I think.
10 years

No more risks?

Gettingfatter wrote:
OniGumo wrote:
I go for "just able to still shuffle around a bit". So maybe like 950-1000 pounds smiley. I'd be ecstatic to see a drug like that come out.

I'd probably want to be the same on the mobility part - able to move around, but with difficulty.

But I think I'd probably want to weigh a bit less. My max ideal number would be 900 lbs I think.

Well, you're a bit shorter, so I think you'd probably be about the same "level of fat" at 900-ish as I'd be at 1000-ish.
10 years

No more risks?

*Flies in*

Here's the story that author is talking about.


*Flies away*
9 years