
Formative experiences

no formative experience really, but i remember watching charolette's web as a child and being fascinated by the scene where the rat is so stuffed at the fair that he cant move.....also watching other cartoon that expressed enormous amounts of weight gain in a rapid sequence

i imagine most people on here had similar notions at an early age....and while a soft woman has the benefits of feeling better than a bony thin one, i cant say that i formed any preference for larger women based on sexual love of roundness began far earlier than my awareness of sex or sexuality....although my sexual preference now is certainly for heavy gals, it bothers me greatly that people seem to feel this preference is an oddity...and is costly in relationships in that most large women in the US have horrible self image and self esteem...what a shame
17 years

Formative experiences

Wow, good thread. For me I remember an occasion when my cousin, in her early 20s at the time, I must have been less than 5, had to stay with my gran for a while. She was there for a few months and at some point I heard a conversation about her weight. "She's always offering me food ever 5 minutes. I've been eating a lot more here than back home. I'm getting a really fat belly, look!" and she'd stick out her belly and squeeze it for emphasis. At the time I remember thinking that there wasnt anything wrong with her belly and it looked good bulging over her jeans. When you're a child you don't really consider what other people find attractive, its meaningless to you, so your uncorrupted mind can be free to choose.

I used to doodle a lot when I was a kid. My favourite things to draw, before I had any real objectives, were things that where big and round and big, sometimes as big as a page just because thats as big as it gets. This later developed into big women, I remember drawing fat girls and then erasing parts of them and redrawing them bigger, repeatedly, until I was satified I had ruined my picture and should have stopped long ago. Quite similar to feeding, as you may think that you want a girl to be over 500lbs but you dont know what they'll look like or act like so what if you're wrong? what if you liked her better at 400? Ahhh its tricky stuff.

So yes, fascinated at a young age.
17 years

Formative experiences

Like most here, I've had these feelings of fattening and being fattned since childhood when I would stuff my shirt with big pillows and waddle around my room. I love fattening cartoons like the classic Daffy Duck where he purposely gets so fat that he can't move, thinking that will save him from being thanksgiving dinner. Even today the Simpson's episode where Homer gets fat so he can claim disability is terribly arousing. In grade school I recall being mesmorized by a girl who was so fat that she could hardly fit in her desk. Over the years I've fed many a willing fat woman, all of them eventually gaining weight. Some were real feedees, but most were just happy to let go, indulge, and enjoy my reaction. I've also explored letting go myself since the idea of mutual gaining and encourging is the most sensual, erotic, and sexual thing I know of. So, let's all let go and indulge.
17 years

Formative experiences

let me see, I think that one of my earliest experience with my desire was when I was around 4yo, I was watching cartoons at my grandma's house and a betty boop cartoon came on, the one about Betty Boop and little Jimmy. And then they started laughing and getting really fat. and also I remember the simpsons episode where Homer gains weight to get on disability
17 years