
My wife

My wife has stoped gaining and is thinking about loseing weight she is around 220 now i was hopeing to help her to north of 300 any ideas on how to help her make up her mind? any help at all would be apreciated

17 years

My wife

What kind of Information and Where I dont want her to feel forced at all but everything out there is negative and just scares away any thoughts from her head. She wants to some months then the next month she sees some article and rethinks her goals

17 years

My wife

Just tell her that you think that she is perfect the way she is. And make sure if she ever complains that she is fat tell her that she is gorgeous. And if she ever asks you if she should lose weight tell her that she has never looked better. The best thing about all of these suggestions is that, in your eyes, they are true and if you help her feel good about herself looking like this she may decide against losing the weight.smiley
17 years

My wife

Diets is what make people fat. Let her diet, because in the long run she'll be fatter than ever.
17 years

My wife

yes, I agree with snake and baratfan and the others--please let her make her own decision.

But you can give her information about how and why fat is ok--The Obesity Myth by Paul Campos, Fat!So? by Marilyn Wann, Big Fat Lies by Glenn Gaesser, and other such books. Google 'Health at Every Size' and see what else you find.

Good luck!
17 years

My wife

Love her the way she is and respect her decision.

If she is unhappy being big, then you have to understand that it wasn't for her. Sit down and talk with her about it and she will put you in a better picture.

Do not try and trick her with weight drinks or anything else, she will end up resenting you and walking out. And "but i love you the way you are never works" because once a woman has a bee in her bonnet you are not going to change her mind unless shes indecisive of course.

Anyway for now just stop all weight conversations and let her diet, tell how good shes looking and give her lots of love, affection and encouragement. Then after 3 weeks when the pizza cravings kick in, if you are lucky the diet may end. If it doesnt just accept you still have a beautiful wife, just slimmer!!
17 years

My wife

giantmountain wrote:
i think if she drinks milkshakes, if you get the chance, put some gainer powder or whey protein in it when she isnt looking!smiley

That my freind is despicable. How would you like it if a person came and chained you to a tread mill and put it on high...same thing here.
17 years