Feedback and suggestions

New chat (beta)

Please write any ideas, suggestions and comments you have about the new chat in this thread. This chat is a work in progress and there are some know issues which I'll list below:

* No sound on iOS mobile devices and some Samsung devices
* Using multiple devices on same login causes a logout error
* Chat height does not adjust to screen size

Please note that private chats are limited to 10 per 24hours, but general chat is unlimited.

We'll be working on the chat over the coming weeks to iron out any issues to ensure it works as smoothly as possible.
9 years

New chat (beta)

elevator bar disappears. leaving screen kicks you out of private chat , gone when you return, good and quick
9 years

New chat (beta)

In particular clicking another person's username or any other links in chat will take you out of the chat entirely which will cause this problem, so I recommend against this right now.

General forum topic with help about usage of the chat here:
9 years

New chat (beta)

It 10 per day for private chats you initiate yourself. So you can reply to as many as you like from other people.
9 years

New chat (beta)

I think the new chat is rather nice, but I miss the background images.
I love how I can make it a separate window or leave it with the other browser windows, which I can't with the old version.

I think my only real complaint SO FAR is that the online users is in a separate box. I have to click the button to see who's there and that covers the chat window. In the old chat you can see who is online and active plus chat at the same time.

I do like how it uses the profile icons, though. It's so much easier to match names to profiles that way. At least for me. I have trouble remembering names.
9 years

New chat (beta)

It has been said earlier, looking on someones name and look at the profile kicks you out of the chat.. I would suggest to open a new tab with the profile (as it was on the old chat) and not having to leave the chat. However this is an improvement of the old chat and that is always good to keep the chat running in good order.
9 years

New chat (beta)

Some people have been reporting some conflicts between both chats, they've been typing in the usual chat and suddenly the beta chat pops up and they find themselves typing in it instead.
9 years

New chat (beta)

Thanks for your feedback, keep it coming. It seems having the online users in a separate tab is a sticking point for several people. The difficulty is finding something that works in both desktop and mobile. Obviously in mobiles there's less screen width, so having them both in the same tab wouldn't work there. Maybe different layouts for desktop and mobile is a possibility. I'll think about this.
9 years

New chat (beta)

Put the chat button to the immediate left of the user name
9 years

New chat (beta)

NO! that one of the main problem with the current chat. NO WAY put the chat button near the user name.
9 years
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