
Noticing a change in breathing

Hey guys and gals

Im just curious if anyone else noticed a change in the way they breath?

I know im not really big but I've noticed that when imlaying down my breaths are shallow and its weird but i kinda likeit cause i know im finally noticing small changes.

Just curious as to others experience,

8 years

Noticing a change in breathing

Yup, my breathing is shallower too. And I definitely get out of breath more easily. But there is something I like about it... i guess its the idea that I used to be fit and just let go so much that my fat is affecting everything.
8 years

Noticing a change in breathing

Yeah i totally agree something about the difficulty is strangly satisfying. And stairs are killers for sure by the time i get to the top i keep panting for couple of minutes but again its satisfying haha
8 years

Noticing a change in breathing

Oh yes i've definitely been noticing that it's a bit more difficult to lift heavy things at work and pull pallets now that I've gained some weight within the past week. This is honestly how I felt when I first started working at my job a few years ago, so I probably lost some weight when I first started working there and now that I'm purposely gaining weight and packing on the pounds I get winded more often than before. xD I should really start looking for a office job, but it'll probably be a bit difficult for me to do so... :\
8 years

Noticing a change in breathing

Haha yeah well im a mechanic and ive definitely noticed lifting stuff and getting up from umder cars and trucks is a hell of alot harder and i have to take a big breath once i get up to be right again haha. But i suppose it comes with the territory of weightgain u findthings harder to do,you rip pants out grow shirts but in the end we are all happy and secretly want moresmiley
8 years