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Help creating shout messages

There's a number of things you can do to make your shout messages more fun and interesting:

Links - Just enter a web page URL and it will automatically turn it into a clickable link
Thumbnails - Just enter an image URL and it will automatically turn it into a thumbnail
YouTube thumbnail links - Underneath the youtube video click 'share'. Copy the link and paste it in your shout message

The system also recognizes UBB code which you can enter into your shout messages:

[ url][ /url]
[ url=][ /url]
[ mail][ /mail]
[ mail=][ /mail]
[ img][ /img]
[ quote][ /quote]
[ b]< bold text>[ /b]
[ i][ /i]
[ u][ /u]
[ center][ /center]
[ color=][ /color]

* To show the UBB code here I've had to add white space between the brackets e.g. [ url], but you'll need to remove this
* Replace the text in the angle brackets with your URLs etc. e.g. replace with
* Accepted colors are: black, blue, brown, cyan, gray, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, orange, purple, red, silver, violet, white, yellow

You can also do combinations, so a clickable thumbnail image is:

[ url=][ img][ /img][ /url]

To learn a bit more on how to write UBB code see the following web page:
8 years

Help creating shout messages

Can you use these tricks in response to shouts as well?
8 years

Help creating shout messages

Yes indeed.
8 years