Extreme obesity

You know you're an ssbhm when...

You find yourself struggling to remember what your feet or genitalia look like.

You're squeezed like a sausage skin in your XXXL pants.

You learn to truly appreciate the comfort of disabled toilets.

You constantly hear, "Sorry sir, we don't stock your size."

You find yourself wondering when Big Macs got so small.
8 years

You know you're an ssbhm when...

When you have to ask for help tying your shoelaces.... or even getting your socks on... or your pants!

When something drops onto the floor and you decide it's gone forever.

You need two free seats on public transit.
8 years

You know you're an ssbhm when...

When you have to order clothes on line. You have to check if that seat is "fatman certified", you have to rock back and forth to get up. U start to question stairs, or small hills for that matter. When you have to start tucking your belly hang into your pants so it doesn't flop around every were. (Witch...is great. But frowned upon)you have to buy a scale because normal people don't buy scales that go past 350lbs. You have to move your self out of the way to take a leak or properly stoke it. Haha. Shitty buffets become your favorite restaurants (because eat all you can). You on average spend more than $20 at a fast food restraurants. When you have to ask to a table instead of a booth. When you have to reposition your flab to be truly comfortable. You start looking for more idle jobs. I could continue. But these are just some of my favorite daily reminders 😊
6 years

You know you're an ssbhm when...

You prefer to spend most of your time wearing Sweats & tee shirts instead of more dressy attire!
6 years

You know you're an ssbhm when...

You prefer to spend most of your time wearing Sweats & tee shirts instead of more dressy attire!

I will second this! Other than going stark naked, I have not found anything that compares to comfort of this combo.

I have a harder time trying to find clothes, that I feel comfortable in while in public. I have noticed many people wearing PJ's in the stores.
6 years