Extreme obesity

Fat girls and feeders documentary

Does anyone remember that documentary "Fat Girls and Feeders" that featured Teighlor and arealfg (Gina)? I think it aired in the UK on Channel 4. Anyway, there used to be a copy available at YouTube. Does anyone know where I can find it, or does anyone have it?

Thank you
16 years

Fat girls and feeders documentary

Shame you didn't ask a week or so ago. I've just thrown out a load of old video tapes, including that one smiley
16 years

Fat girls and feeders documentary

Thank you for your reply!

Anyone else have any ideas/suggestions?
16 years

Fat girls and feeders documentary

Thank you, Gary Darko. The link you provided worked just fine.
16 years

Fat girls and feeders documentary

I found the Said documeentary on Dailymotion.com the other night, I forgot to save the link but its there!
16 years

Fat girls and feeders documentary

here are the videos, hope its ok if i post links




16 years

Fat girls and feeders documentary

I actually didn't agree with the definitions in this documentary when I saw it. Been about a year though, so I don't remember everything clearly.

Did anyone else have this reaction? Or were you too absorbed by the images to listen to the text? smiley

16 years

Fat girls and feeders documentary

i liked the documentary for what it was. as i liked it cause its rare to see something in feederism in the mainstream but i disliked it cause well once again it was turned into something horrible. i know i know that yes with every thing there is bad apples that spoil the bunch but ya it just seemed like as cool as it was to have a specail on it it really did damage what little good reputation this has. u know were not all insane were not all horrible. just like the media. no one ever wants to see anyone happy its not interesting enough. cant show feederism couple that are happy and that are not in such bad shape, no u have to show crazy controling feeders. sorry i started to rant there
16 years