Fat experiences

Maybe this is crude

Maybe this is crude and please forgive me if it is but I was wondering what people can say about gaining weight's effects on my *ahem* lady parts? Does it make you feel tighter, looser, exactly the same? Anything to worry about here?
7 years

Maybe this is crude

Maybe this is crude and please forgive me if it is but I was wondering what people can say about gaining weight's effects on my *ahem* lady parts? Does it make you feel tighter, looser, exactly the same? Anything to worry about here?

Speaking of my wife in this example: I will speak of her *ahem*. As she has gained she has accumulated a slight hanging belly that sticks way out in front of her now, with a defined belly crease directly above her new puffier slight Fupa....which is so damn sexy. Her outer lips have become much puffier ( I mean a lot) almost swollen looking but very soft to the touch. I literally love the new appearance as well as love the difference in fuller softer feel. I guess you can say it feels tighter but in a soft "suction cup" type way......definitely not looser. Definitely nothing for you to worry about.....it is so much better.....trust me. She happens to be much more sensitive in that area, gets aroused much easier, gets wetter much faster and seems to not only enjoy sex more but seems to crave sex more. She happens to wear tight designer jeans quite a bit when she isn't working and wearing her dress pants. Both of which her lower belly and her *ahem* really fills up her pants in such a sexy full way....not that you can see anything but it is much more full in there if you know what I mean......so damn so sexy.
7 years

Maybe this is crude

I totally agree with all the above points that it is generally better in all aspects from appearance to feel, and also to the increasing levels of arousal the weight provides for both partners, but here's one more thing that I've noticed that the previous comments have missed.
As my girlfriend has gained weight and her butt has gotten fatter, her extra fat ass actually pushes her further up off the bed when shes on her back which naturally raises everything else higher too. Because of the higher level that her 'lady parts' are at allows a much MUCH better angle for both of us.
If you have ever read up on sex tips then putting a pillow underneath your butt is recommended for the same reason, except with a big girl, she comes equipped with her own pillows smiley

Thanks you all, make me fell super confident, sexy, and excited for sex with a partner as I gain smiley xx

I have noticed that I feel wetter all the time which is super weird and also that my ahem lips feel soft and chubbier. Crazy how the body changes!
7 years

Maybe this is crude

Hannah, I think your original question was aimed more specifically at your... "tunnel of love". While surrounding areas may become more padded, the inside is pretty much unaffected. As folks said earlier, experimenting with different positions is a good idea as you may experience new sensations.
7 years