
Heavy cream really works!

Keep going....I would love to see how much you keep gaining and where all the fat is going after several weeks.
7 years

Heavy cream really works!

Yep, heavy cream at 3200 calories per quart is hard to beat. Add some sugar to that and you have the perfect fattener!

When I visit the food store I buy a quart of cream for every pound I want to gain and I consider the ice cream related calories as a bonus.

So, you'd just use up 1 or 2 quarts spread out over the week, adding it to whatever else? I've been adding about 2 oz. to a glass of whole milk to punch up the calories.
7 years

Heavy cream really works!

what heavy cream do you guys use? i want to try and add this to a shake with ice cream and milk, what brand if you dont mind me asking

I use the store brand of whatever store I happen to be at.
7 years

Heavy cream really works!

chubbynate:I've gotten bigger around and more bottom heavy...

I hope it has that effect on me. I would like to get more fat on my butt and hips to balance out my belly, not to mention getting more moobish.
7 years

Heavy cream really works!

just picked up some cartons myself gonna try em out tonight
7 years

Heavy cream really works!

Im thinking about doing cream shakes before bed again. Nothing crazy. Just about 1k cals worth nightly. Think ill see gains?
7 years

Heavy cream really works!

If you keep eating your "normal" diet, you should see some results, by adding on the extra cal. at bed time. This late night eating will also help slow your metabolism.
7 years

Heavy cream really works!

I will have to try this Cytocarb, with it's Maltodextrine. Is this the only product that uses it or are there others?

How will I be able to tell if my stomach/belly is fully distended? Did you get stretchmarks as a result?
7 years

Heavy cream really works!

Im thinking about doing cream shakes before bed again. Nothing crazy. Just about 1k cals worth nightly. Think ill see gains?

Based on your age/weight/height, you'll need to consume around 2308-2470 to gain 1 lb a week and 2822-2986 to gain 2 lbs a week (if you are active/exercise at all, you'll need more than this). If you eat 2k during the day and have 1k of cream at night, you should gain around 2 lbs a week.

Thanks! I dont workout at all...hoping to do this for.a few weeks and see what happens. Hope i put on some pounds. Not looking to.get fat..just thicker.
7 years

Heavy cream really works!

If you keep eating your "normal" diet, you should see some results, by adding on the extra cal. at bed time. This late night eating will also help slow your metabolism.

Hoping late night shakes make the gains quicker. Im so skinny i need the extra fat
7 years
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